Welcome to
the home page of the game! If you've been here before, you
may want to take a look at What's New on our site.
If this is your first visit and you'd like an overview of our project, then skip to here.
You can also find information on the Members of the Dawn of Atlantis development team; a Status
report on the project; an Archive of previous reports; you can
take a look at our Recruiting page; and we now have a FAQ. Later on we plan to have a discussion group. For now,
though, you may send questions, comments, and suggestions to the webmaster.
We also have our own page on Atlantis itself, where you will
find links to other sites.
Enjoy your stay; we hope you'll find the site enlightening and exciting.

The following quote is a brief introduction to Dawn
of Atlantis; from Thomas Bulfinch -- "Bulfinchs
Mythology: The Age of Fable".
B efore
earth and sea and heaven were created, all things wore one aspect, to which we give the
name of Chaos... ...the earth was not solid, the sea was not fluid, and the air was not
transparent. God and Nature at last interposed.... separating earth from sea, and heaven
from both...
"The air being cleared, the stars began to appear, fishes took possession of the
sea, birds of the air, and four-footed beasts of the land.
"But a nobler animal was wanted, and Man was made... He gave him an upright
stature, so that while all other animals turn their faces downward... he raises his to
Heaven, and looks on the stars."
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Dawn of Atlantis (DoA)
is a unique strategy game that combines the historical setting of pre-history with the
game play activities of the AD&D® Birthright
computer and role-playing game, enhanced by the trade and growth features of the Civilization® board game as well as the computer versions,
the politics of Diplomacy, and its own unique
combat system.
The time period, beginning approximately 20,000 years in our own theoretical past,
provides for a singular mix of mythology and ancient history, including the common
elements associated with the growth of civilization as well as the magic and active gods
of pre-history, all seasoned with the exotic science of the fabled realm of Atlantis
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Please Note: The following is a TENTATIVE slate of planned features for DoA.
 | Dawn of Atlantis will feature a 2D
engine for its main graphics and game play screens; a 3D engine is tentatively planned for
certain battle sequences. |
 | A new style of strategy "god-game" on an epic scale, focusing primarily on
developing diplomatic relationships and long-term strategic goals, and preserving
ones religious culture. |
 | A richly detailed, culturally diverse, somewhat "familiar" game world
thats yet unique and unpredictable, thus providing virtually limitless surprises and
challenges and replayability. |
 | A wide selection of game actions and choices, most of which are only available as
certain conditions are met such as a requisite building type, a certain technology, or
even a character with sufficient aptitude is acquired (either as an ally or the player
him- or herself), thus keeping the learning curve gradual. |
 | Diversity between playing styles and choices. Certain realms provide opportunity
for unusually strong magical capability at the start of the game while others are stronger
militarily, and still others are politically astute or economically powerful, and so on.
Most, however, have advantages in at least two of the seven areas of power at the
start of the game. |
 | Original background and theme music. |
 | Digitized sound- and voice-cues and original music to announce and/or introduce certain
events; alternatively players can record their own (or friends) voices. |
 | A great variety of character types (a.k.a. "classes") in the game. Each
includes a number of ranks that can be achieved by the advancing player in his or her
quest for power. |
 | A unique "Honor" system whereby characters gain experience and social prestige
by performing game Actions. The opposite of Honor is Infamy... |
 | Varying levels of difficulty provided by the respective characters: those who are more
powerful to start the game will prove more challenging to play, and vice-versa, while as
characters grow in power the demands on their players ingenuity and resourcefulness
will expand proportionately. |
 | A multi-branched research tree leading to enhanced production capabilities as well as a
huge variety of building types and playing units, all with unique capabilities and effects
on various game aspects. |
 | A large and diverse system of international commerce, including a great variety of
resources, all of which furnish certain necessities and/or can be used to trade for
others. |
 | The ability to find, steal, and even create powerful magical artifacts and relics, all
taken from ancient myth and history, and which again have significant effects on game
play. |
 | The opportunity to meet, greet, and/or defeat (or be eaten by) a prodigious variety of
monsters and other mythological beings. |
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The following is a list of recent additions to our site. Whenever we have a new status report, or add anything else to our site, we'll put a notice
here. Every couple of months or so we'll remove the oldest items; most will be archived. The most recent changes are listed first, and each
item is linked to the page with the updated content.
April-June, 2000
 | Our PBEM idea is put on hold, along with the rest of the project,
until completion of a new one called "Moon
Throne". Please check back here or that site for more progress reports, and
of course you can always e-mail the author/webmaster
with your questions etc. |
January-March, 2000, Updates Archived
September-December, 1999, Updates Archived