welcome to my reality.

all about my world. all of the whos whats whens wheres whys hows and more of my life. basically its a faq on me. hey, inquiring minds want to know... thats why there are so many surveys that go around. everyone wants to know you. well, here is me. on paper.

my beliefs about religion, life, what happens after we die... all in all this is a section with a lot of thought provoking mind twisting logic from the shadows of my mind.

the page dedicated to those in my life who keep me sane. i love you all and i thought that i should put it out on the web how much you all changed who i am. thank you.

my poetry and fiction and all of that wonderful stuff that i wrote that noone else is probably interested in, but i figure, "why the hell not?" if its getting my creativity working, i might as well.

this is my section to tell all the stories about life at my school. and life here is interesting. come see the stories of my college career...

here, while you are reading through my wonderful site are other sites that might be of interest of you. but then again, you're probably here for the sheer purpose of i told you to go look at this, so...

wow, look an entire collections of decent midis for your listening pkeasure. all of the songs on this page and midis found in the search for midis on this page are here for your listening and stealing pleaseure. they were all snatched fair and square, so i figure that i have to put them up for others to snatch from me.

dedications and thanks to the people who made the page possible. this is just on here for a special thanks to those people who actually got me to put this page up. (instead of doing my paper).