Australian Stav Association "> Australian Stav Association Stav Australia
Stav Australia

The Australian Stav site has moved to the following location:
Please update your bookmarks

Note: the above site states that the lineage for Australian Stav is under the tuition of David Watkinson, whilst reflecting that Kolbjorn Martens originally brought Stav to Australia. The original lineage for Stav in Australia was under Kolbjorn Martens.

For the majority of Stav practitioners in Australia, this change is accepted. However, it is not accepted by all. The reason for this is that whilst most practitioners have trained under David Watkinson, some have not. Also, some wish to keep their association with Martens Stav as is.

Australian Stav contacts are as follows:
Anthony - Manly, NSW
Neil - Walwa, VIC
Rodney - Geelong, VIC
Amanda - Melbourne, VIC

The Stav International site is located at:

The Martens Stav site is located at: