Welcome to our Guestbook!

JOE RIZZO - 12/18/00 01:47:05
My Email:RIZZO 401@AOL.COM


joe - 12/18/00 01:45:32


rob - 08/20/00 20:05:49
From: ar
Hobbies: planning on my and lori's life together

great page yall!! love u lori

doug - 07/22/00 12:28:20
My Email:eatski@aol.com
From: wis
Hobbies: life

My dad served in Korea he never talkes about it that much so if anyone served with him I,d like to talk to you his name is Felix Jarosinski from wisconsin Thank You

William Pappas - 01/29/00 03:56:41
My Email:billp@chelmsford.com
From: Dracut Mass
Hobbies: Auto Races

I am overwhelmed by your site. Great.Great!! 40th Division Korean Veteran. Combat Medic attached to an Infantry Co. 1951-1954

George - 01/25/00 22:34:50
My Email:you know it!

When will your luck ever change? Wishing all the goodness you deserve.

Cherie Sanders - 01/12/00 06:14:23
My Email:Sanderskln@mediaone.net
From: Stockton, CA
Hobbies: my family and horses

I can only hope that with these sights that maybe we can find some answers, and maybe I can help my dad feel better about himself and understand him more. Thanks Cherie

Jim Souter - 01/05/00 06:18:03
My Email:Rockhnd196@yahoo.com
From: Georgia, USA
Hobbies: Lapidary, woodworking, cooking

I am very impressed with these notes of poetry. You both seemed very well adept in the writings of the heart. Well done and keep it up, if only more people spoke and lived by their hearts the world would be a much better place. Peace and happiness to you both.

kathryn - 11/08/99 20:35:07
My Email:katharonie@aol.com
From: AL
Hobbies: writing...reading...trying to sing as wonderful as my mother...service work

I thought the page was lovely...Karen you are extremely talented and I am sure your family is very proud of your work!

Scott Turnbull - 09/27/99 15:54:32
My URL:http://userwww.service.emory.edu/~sturnbu/
My Email:streamweaver@yahoo.com

Wonderful site with some REALLY talented work by both of you. Keep on trucking with the talent.

Dale - 09/23/99 20:34:32
My Email:LTjgBurden@aol.com
From: Bay Area
Hobbies: Sea Cadets & Cars

Looks good. want to do my web page? lol i really like the Korean web ring. My Grandfather lost a leg in the Korean Conflict.

Paul - 08/13/99 05:27:47
From: Ohio

Thank you Karen and Lori, The poetry is beautful. Karen Sweetie if you read this soon. You are a passionant women.I am blessed to have you as a friend.Your beautful soul shines though in your poetry.

Paul - 08/13/99 05:26:42
From: Ohio

Thank you Karen and Lori, The poetry is beautful. Karen Sweetie if you read this soon. You are a passionant women.I am blessed to have you as a friend.Your beautful soul shines though in your poery.

Jeremy - 07/14/99 05:15:07
My Email:supercub8@cs.com

I am a big fan of Lori's...she is the greatest.

hankster - 05/18/99 07:42:59
My Email:lt_ethan@yahoo.com
From: from??? what the heck do ya want here?
Hobbies: mmmm, won't say.

Hey lori, been a while since i've heard from you. Figured i'd try getting to ya through your web page. If or when you get this, could ya send me some e-mail telling me how your doing. That'd be down right good of ya. ok.:-)

- 04/20/99 02:17:48


BILL HUCEK - 04/10/99 02:45:32
My Email:madbill@netnet.net
From: GREEN BAY WI 54303

Served Feb. 52-Mar 53 in Korea with 7th Div."C" Btry. 57th Fa.Bn. Would like to hear from others that were in this unit.Enjoy all the info that is on these Web sites.

Rich McVey - 03/28/99 21:04:18
My Email:richmcvey@worldnet.att.net

Karen, your page is getting better all the time. I like what you did with the flowers.

deadred40 - 02/22/99 15:35:25
My Email:dniel@home.com
From: California
Hobbies: to many to list

I really do like what you have done here. Simplicity rules but holds the attention very well. The poetry hits home.....

"primadawn" - 02/18/99 04:23:09
My Email:yofamily@northnet.org
From: MO,NY,PA
Hobbies: My kids, reading, chatting in the lobby, writing

Your page really touched me. The poetry is amazing and so poignant. Look forward to visiting again

Trish - 02/12/99 15:41:14
My Email:Chitty24@aol.com
Hobbies: Everything

I think that you guys did a wonder job on this page. I think the stuff you two wrote is very breath taken. I gives you guys a lot of credit...Please continue the great job! I will be back more often. Thank you Lori and Karen! :)

- 12/21/98 05:27:31


Linda Bell - 12/13/98 21:23:13
My Email:glbell@sunline.net
From: Florida

Both of you write poetry that touches the heart. I am glad that it is on the web for people to share.

Richard T - 12/08/98 21:55:12
My Email:rtyers@hotmail.com
From: Edinburgh
Hobbies: this and that

So much work has gone into this, and it really shows. Fantastic- well done. Very deep- i`m too shallow to appreciate it! :-)

frank korb - 12/08/98 02:50:48
My URL:/area51/starship/5643
My Email:fkorb@yahoo.com
Hobbies: reading and spending a romantic night with a beautiful women

your site is very nicw and very moving.....you both are very good writers

Rufus (again) - 12/08/98 02:13:49
My Email:office@kwick.net
From: Stomp Hollow Farms
Hobbies: cook'n and book'n

to be a poet must be the works of the gods such fine form and yet so delicate, always at odds It is nice to be invited, but more inportant to be welcomed so nice! Yes I had to view it twice. When in doubt Look about Don't fear Rufus is near!

Rufus Tibidauex - 12/08/98 02:08:23
My URL:none at hand


Paul Janiczek - 12/07/98 19:01:09
My Email:pjanicz@yahoo.com
From: Washington DC
Hobbies: Talking with wonderful women on the phone


Karen - 12/07/98 14:18:38
My Email:butchb@iquest.net
From: Butch

Great site, Karen...love your stuff! You're awesome! Do you know..in addition to all the similar stuff between us...that our roots are also from Scotland!!!

Amanda - 12/07/98 02:46:42
My Email:brwntown@mindspring.com
From: AL
Hobbies: playing guitar, singing, traveling, public speaking

Have explored a little of your website and like what I see so far! Thanks for sharing.

Karen - 12/07/98 01:40:48
My Email:kharrell@lakemartin.net

I came and I saw.....

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