Who We Are
Karen Harrell
Born April 15, 1954 in West Palm Beach, Florida,
graduated from Forest Hill High School in 1972.
She teaches Spanish at Benjamin Russell High School, and English
at Southern Union State Community College.
Graduated with her
BS in 1985 from Auburn University and with her Masters
in English from Auburn University.
She earned a degree
in Spanish from the University of Alabama.
In 1992 she was
named a National Endowment of the Arts Fellow and studied
Cervantes at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA.
Mother of three, Grandmother of 5.
Two of her five grandchildren were born with Down's Syndrome and have added a special blessing to her life.
She loves trivia, to travel, to sing, to play the guitar,
to write, and to read.
She is a hopeless romantic as you can read by her works.
One day she hopes to visit Scotland and find her roots there.
Lori Nathan
I was born in Decatur, Illinois in October of 1964.
As a child I was raised on farms and moved back to the city as I grew older.
I have 4 sisters and 1 brother.
My education is limited to a GED.
I married at 16 and I have two children, a son 13,actively involved in the Navy Sea Cadets, and a daughter 15 that plays flute in the high school band.
They are the most important part of my life.
I love to read, write, listen to music, mostly country, and working on my web pages.
I am currently working as a secretary for a petroleum coke transfer company.
As I learn more about web design and graphics I would like to find a job in that field.
I hope someday to find a person to share my life with, who will love me and encourage me in any endeavor I wish to take on.