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Finneran Family Tree

The Finneran family is from Feevagh Taughmaconnell, co. Roscommon, Ireland. The Finnerans currently in the United States migrated here around 1902. There are still Finnerans living in Feevagh and the surrounding communities. The purpose of this web site is to share the information we have and to increase the quantity and quality of existing genealogical information.
same ol thing
New new
Kate and Bruce announce
their engagement. A fall 2003
wedding is being planned.

Family Web Sites:
Artist Pod
Chun Family
Liam O'Sullivan Web

Genealogy Web Sites:
Leitrim-Roscommon Genealogy

Tree printable and viewable genealogical charts of the Finneran family

Alphabetical index lists relatives alphabetically. This is a good place to start researching a particular person

Archives old family photos and other memorabilia

Album is the place to check current photos

Bibliography lists known genealogical records

Virtual Graveyard photos of graves and death-related resources
Virtual Graveyard

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Updated February 2003
Contact: o_sullivan@email.coml