My family and their Ancestry
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For My (Grace Gilgen) Ancestry:
Family Lineage (My Grandmother on my Father's side)
Including the Foster, Taliafferro, Killian, Lee Families
TAYLOR Family Lineage (My Grandmother on my Mother's
Including Park, Duncan, Allen, Hill Families
WALTON Family Lineage (My Grandfather on my Mother's
Including Price, Black, Hug, Johnston Families.
For my Children's Father's (William Walbom) Ancestry:
WALBOM & ILSE Family Lineage (Their Grandfather's
parents on their Father's side)
Including Lauzitzen, Byck, Flod Families
Family Lineage (Their Grandmother's Father's side)
Including the Hotchkiss, Merrill, Webster, Richards Families
WILLIAMS Family Lineage (Their Grandmother"s Mother's
Including Baber, Eastcott, Moyse Families
For my Husband's (Jack Gilgen) Ancestry:
& MOSER Family Lineage (His Grandparent's on
his Father's side)
Including Mueller, Fahrni Families
Family Lineage (His Grandmother on his Mother's side)
Including Lemmon, Stephens, Mallet, Webster Families
SEAMONS Family Lineage (His Grandfather on hin Mother's
Including Griffeth, Rockwell, Carson Families
Currently Under Construction:
I hope you have found what you are looking for..
To go to my home page click here.
come see the LAY-KENNER 1999 family reunion. . .
Also there has been a change in my Email addresses. Please make a note of it for your records. The & are no longer valid.
If I can be of further assistance, please Email me:
Grace Gilgen
or my son
Kiley Walbom
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visitor to my site.
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