Our Adventures

Our Field Trip
The Natural Science Museum: Jackson, MS
We saw animals from a forest habitat, like deer. Here's a wild boar.
Here's a beehive between two pieces of glass.
The bees come in and go out through a little tunnel.

These birds live in Mississippi.
Then we saw the swamp habitat, with alligators. The baby alligators were swimming.
This is an albino catfish from the Pearl River. This is an alligator snapping turtle from the river.
Turtles, like all reptiles, warm themselves in the sun. We saw this snakeskin on the nature trail.
We also saw sharks and other fish from the ocean habitat. It was neat to see this sea turtle swim.

These animals are endangered. That means there are not many left in the world.
These animals, like the mastedon,are extinct. So are saber-tooth tigers and prehistoric bears.
This is Ziggy, our state fossil.
It's a prehistoric whale found near
Jackson in Yazoo county.
We also got to see Walter Anderson's art.
He is from Ocean Springs, MS.
This watercolor is called Grasshoppers.
This piece is called
Between the Blades of Grass.
This boy is looking between the pitcher plants. These plants eat insects.
So do the frogs in the case.
Mrs. Smith's Louisiana Adventures
Global Wildlife Center   Folsom, LA 
A safari wagon tour that has 
over 2000 animals roaming free
We stopped at the Louisiana state line Here's a South American rhea, a cousin of the ostrich.
We got to feed deer and antelope. Look at the velvet (fuzz) on this deer's antlers.
The velvet helps his antlers grow.
Look at this camel's long eye lashes!
They keep blowing sand out of his eyes.
This camel tried to steal the whole cup of  food.
This camel with one hump is a dromedary 
camel.  It is from the deserts of Arabia.
The two-humped camel is a Bactrian camel.
It is from Asia.
Watch out! Zebras will bite.
Zebras are from the Congo in Africa.
This giraffe stuck his head right in the wagon!
It's also from Africa.
Pearl River Swamp 
Slidell, LA

These cypress  trees grow in the swamp. The funny looking roots are called knees.
Cabins like this are for fishing.
 It reminds me of the Neshoba County Fair.
Here's a little alligator coming up on the bank.
This gator is swimming through duckweed.  All you can see is this gator's head.
This gator snuck up really close. Then he stuck his foot up in the water.
I was getting a little scared. 
I thought he might  jump up in the boat !
This is as close as I want to be.

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