My name is Dawn (Dawnydawn, Cat, or Dawnilypuff to my friends or the Vampire Queen to my high school English teacher) and I am slowly moving in so please be patient with me as I learn the ropes with this. |
Pardon the mess as I am in the process of doing a major overhaul to big chunks of the site (namely the collge and friends pages because they are really slow at loading up). |
It's been awhile since my last update. I am currently working on my newest book, Rachelle. I'm living with Wren and Brent (at least until he goes to Japan). |
This is me and my sister. I'm on the left and Jaime is on the right. We really don't look alike, but we really are sisters. Or at least that's what our parents claim (I still maintain that she's adopted). |
Left is me and Seth at Gen Con 2002. It's becoming tradition to have our pictures taken in this pose because the year previous, we took our first picture together like this (I'll put it up when I scan it). We've been dating for almost two years now. The one on the right is the only known picture of an angel and a demon getting along together long enough to paint some minis together. |
These were some of the pictures we took at our first sexy pajama party. The flirty girls are Anne, me, Mara, and Jen. Brent thinks he is such a pimp with all of the sexy girls on his arms. And the sexy Charlie's Angels are Lauren, me, and Anne (and Pete's our Charlie, NICE BUTT!!!). |
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Geek's web site. The craziest R.A. I have ever met.
I hope you enjoyed my page and if you have any ideas on how to improve it, e-mail me. |
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