Subscription Information ![]() 1.2 Membership Requirements 1.3 Before You Join Warnings 1.4 Posting Policies 1.5 Subscription Information 1.6 How to Unsubscribe 1.1 Who we are: Our Membership is open to all gothically-inclined people within the South Plains/ Texas Panhandle Region. That region spans from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Abilene, Texas; and from Odessa, Texas to cities bordering both sides of the northern and eastern flanks of the Texas Panhandle in Oklahoma. However, it is important to note that most of the current traffic on focuses upon events, activities, discussions, et cetera concerning members residing within Lubbock, Texas where the originates and is maintained. All members will be expected to respect the focus of the list. In addition to music, fashion, and other esoteric discussions focusing upon Lubbock members in general, we also permit the posting of notices concerning tour dates of list related bands. News and info concerning list-interested recording labels, bands, concerts and promoters is also welcome. If in doubt about the information you wish to post to the list, please contact the list-owner at the following e-mail address: 1.2 Membership Requirements: We have limitations on membership to the list. Please refer to the followin before attempting to request subscription to our list: 1. You must be 18+ years to be a member. 2. If you live outside of the South Plains/ Texas Panhandle regional area, but are interested in joining a Southwest area gothic e-mail list, we urge you to join the South West Goth list. If you live closer to Houston, we recommend joining the Rose Noir list for the Houston area. If you reside within or around the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex regional area, then we urge you to join the Dallas Gothics e-mail list. If you prefer our unique flavor, and you are willing to refrain from posting complaints to the list about the list focus: Lubbock area events and activities, then you are also welcome to join here. We have links to some of these lists on our Homepage listed under Organizations in our links section. 3. You must make yourself familiar with the Desert Goth List use/no-tolerance abuse polices and guidelines as well as the Frequently Asked Questions webpage *before joining the list* and *before* posting your first message to the list. Any questions concerning the polices or difficulties in accessing the website should be addressed ONLY to Please refrain from posting messages of that nature to the entire group. 1.3 Before you join warnings: Warning! High traffic on this list may at times deposit large volumes of mail into your e-mail box. There are a couple of alternative options which may help you to avoid such traffic if you choose to avoid receiving massive amounts of e-mail over the period of a day, a few days, or a week in your e-mail account box. Keep in mind that you may switch the *mode* of your subscription to the list at any time. And you may consider it prudent to switch the mode of you subscription to the whenever you may be away from your computer for more than 48 hours. Alternative options to receiving messages delivered directly to your e-mail account include the following: 1. Web-based members-only interface with messages posted to 2. Digest mode of messages delivered directly to members-only e-mail acts. Alternative Option 1, Web-Based Members-Only Interface mode: The web-based mode allows members only to visit the webspace AT Once there, a member (only) may view the messages posted to the desertgothslist. And, a member (only) may post replies to messages already posted to the list. Members, who prefer NOT to receive desertgothslist messages in a personal e-mail account box should choose the web-based members-only interface mode of subscription. To use this option you must register, on top of subscribing to the list at the e-groups site: Alternative Option 2, Digest Mode: Digest mode combines daily all messages posted to and includes them together in one single piece of mail sent out to members- only e-mail accounts which have requested that their subscription mode be the *digest* mode. As is the case with alternative option 1, Digest mode may be selected when making member preferences during registration/subscription at the Egroups website. Any difficulties or questions concerning how to accomplish a switch in subscription mode to the should be privately e-mailed to the following e- mail address: 1.4 Posting Policies 1. No Trolling: To *troll* a list is to post messages intentionally designed to offend, irritate, and/or annoy other members of the list. Unintentional trolling may occur when a new member, or a series of new members, post questions to the list which are addressed sufficiently by the FAQ for the list in question. Trolling, however unintentional, does tend to annoy some members of every list and news group. Therefore, we must all make every effort to notify new members of their responsibility to read the FAQ. Notification is best done privately. 2. Posting Privately: All messages which should not be read by the entire list should be posted privately and only to the persons whom the sender would wish to read the content of the message sent. 3. Subject-Line Policy: When posting a response to a message already posted to the list, alter the subject line whenever the content of your response alters from the original (very first) message posted bearing the same subject line wording. 4. *NO TOLERANCE!* SPAM-POLICY: Spammers will be removed from the list, permanently blocked, and a complaint note will be e-mailed to the appropriate service provider. Spam is unsolicited e-mail, generally of a commercial/promotional-type nature which has nothing to do with the subject matter of the desertgothslist. If you wish to publicize an event or product which you feel may be of interest to this list, please send the item to Failure to follow this procedure will meet with hostility from the list administrators and list members toward the endeavor and spammer in question. No Tolerance will be extended to violators whatsoever. 5. Member-Abuse-Policy: Our stance concerning the policy of posting remarks about other members of this list: All personal remarks should without exception be posted in private to whomever you wish to read your message. It is abusive when it is posted to the list. Any and all defamations of character posted to the list will be considered abusive *No Tolerance!* and no questions asked. Personal jibes must be restricted to private mail. If you come to believe that others should be in on the joke, then add them to the e-mail you send out in the "send/to:" field. Under no circumstances should anyone EVER post derogatory remarks about a member of the list to the list. 1.5 Subscription Information: There are a few ways to subscribe to the Desert Goth List. 1. Via the e-groups website at: 2. Send an empty e-mail to: 3. Use the simple form at the bottom of this page to subscribe You will then get a welcome message to confirm your subscription from e- groups. This is to make sure that you wanted to be subscribed to this groups, and will give you information on how to automatically unsubscribe your e-mail account if you did not want to be a part of the Desert Goth List. If you have any problems subscribing to the group please send an e-mail to: 1.6 How to unsubscribe: Again there are a couple of methods: 1. Via the e-groups website: 2. send an empty e-mail to: If you have trouble unsubscribing please send an e-mail to: desertgothlist-, and you will be manually unsubscribed. ![]()