~Lubbock's Spending Scene~

Vintage Clothing || Thrift Stores || Jewelry || Games || Studs and Leather || Magic Supplies || Cloves & Cigarettes || Theatre Makeup and Accessories || Contact Lenses || Tattoos and Piercings || Liquor and wine || Hair Supplies || CDs and Records

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Vintage Clothing

Deja Vu Vintage Rose
3403 34th St.
(soon moving to 3304 Quaker)
2610 Salem Ave.
(in Cactus Alley Shopping Center)
*>Closed Sundays<*
Selection of new and vintage items. Stocks Doc Martens and occasionally Betsy Johnson clothing. Vintage clothing tends to be a bit pricey, but good prices on jewelry
Excellent store for vintage clothing finds, and costumes. Prices are reasonable. Literally thousands of accessories and items to choose from.

Thrift Stores

American Council of the Blind D.A.V. Thrift Store Gown Town Savers
1508 34th St
1301 Ave. H
2153-A 50th St
2015 50th St
Good selection of clothing and furniture. Be prepared to dig a bit. Good prices on furniture, and prices are generally not fixed.
For the true thrifters only. Large dusty warehouse full of everything from clothing to toasters. Some of the best finds have come out of here, like my Red velvet gold leafed art deco couch.
More Resale than thrift. Nice selection of formal dresses. Often stocking velvet evening wear for half the price. Wide range of sizes.
Retail thrift department store. Well organized sections.


Buffalo Beano Company The Odyssey Uncommon Graphics
801 University
2216 Broadway
4403 34th St
(soon to be 3304 Quaker)
Large selection of silver Jewelry. Also stocks Karma Sutra oils, Tarot Cards, and Pente Games/supplies. Has a Hippy-Head Shop Atmosphere.
Unique hand crafted jewelry, and crystal pendants. Largest selection of Tarot Cards, and New Age literature in Lubbock. Also a good place to find high quality oils and incense.
Armor rings, crosses, and unique jewelry. Tends to be a bit pricey. Good selection of house knick-knacks: pillars, mirrors, and art prints. Great place to get gifts and greeting cards beyond the usual Hallmark fare.


Mad Hatters House of Games
2416 19th St
Your one stop shop for games. Always stocked: Vampire the Masquerade, Magic, and anything White Wolf. Also a wide selection of gaming stones/dice, accessories, and cases.

Studs and Leather

Harley Davidson Tandy Leather
5702 58th St
4010 34th St
Stocks skull studs and other accessories. Best place to get an expensive pair of leather pants, or jacket that will last a lifetime. Also carries many styles of boots.
Leather working store. Stocks D-rings and all types of studs. Kits to make all kinds of leather goods, such as whips.

Magic Supplies

Casa Mexicana 1310 Broadway Mexican curio shop that carries icons, and traditional Mexican drugstore supplies. Large selection of candles, salts, and magic oils. Helpful and knowledgeable staff.
Buddy's 518 50th St
Gas station that carries religious and magic candles for $1 a piece.

Clove Cigarettes

Just Smokes
317 University
Discount Tobacco store. Head Shop located inside carries a wide variety of Cloves.

Theatrical Make-Up and Fangs

The Joker Art's Dance and Theatrical Supply
52nd St and Ave Q
inside Briercroft Shopping Center
3306 83rd St
Huge costume and novelty store. Stocks professional theatrical make-up, fake blood, and fangs. Carries Halloween goodies, and costume jewelry.
Stocks Cappezzio dance shoes, and clothing. Also carries some costumes, fabrics, and professional theatrical make-up.

Theatrical Contact Lenses

Dr. Cathy Whittman
60th St and Slide Rd.
(Next to Lenscrafters, South Plains Mall)
Carries "Wild Eyes" brand contact lenses. Styles such as cat eyes, whiteout, and red contacts. Pricey, around $150

Tattoos and Piercing

Big Buddha Tattoo Esparza Tattoos Inkfluence Vision Quest
1917 19th St
1800 Clovis Hwy.
(across the Street from Wolfy's bar)
1406 Ave Q
1108 Ave J
Tattoo Parlor. Best place for color work in Lubbock.
If you can find Mr. Esparza, he does the best portrait/free hand work I have ever seen. He did a free-hand portrait of Princess Lia on one of my friends that is absolutely perfect.
Open 7 days a week 1pm-10pm. Exotic body piercing by Ozzy.
All around good tattoo parlor, custom design available. Also does piercing

Liquor Store

Crossed Keys
located on the "The Strip"
Tahoka Hwy
Largest selection of specialty wines and liquors. Will make custom gift baskets. The only place in Lubbock to get chartreuse

Hair Dye and Supplies

Sally Beauty Supply
4148 34th St
Stocks both Manic Panic and Punky Color vegetable dyes. Other make-up and beauty products, and Aurora, Aveda-like shampoos and conditioners that are half the price of the real thing.

CDs and Records

University Record, Tapes & CDs
2414 Broadway St. Lubbock, Texas USA 79401
(806) 741-0150
Ralph's Records, Tapes, & CDs (2 locations)
909 University Ave. Lubbock, Texas USA 79401 OR 3312 82nd St. Lubbock, Texas USA 79423
(806) 763-6400 OR (806) 795-3322
Hasting's Records, Tapes, Cds & Videos (and more)
5001 50th St. Lubbock, Texas USA 79414
(806) 785-8828
CD Warehouse
5302 A Slide Rd. Lubbock, Texas USA 79414
(806) 799-3400

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