Welcome to Jamiesan's Home Page

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Hi. My name is Jamie. I am building my web site slowly and in piecemeal increments. I live in Cary, North Carolina, and I was born and grew up in Natick Massachusetts . The other city that I have lived in for any real length of time wasNashua, New Hampshire. I am a substance abuse counselor at a county treatment center, and my lovely wife Mary is a nurse at the same facility.

I have two remarkable (at least I think so) children: Christopher Patrick,5 and Molly Rose, 3. We also have an amazingly bright and attractive daughter of Mary's whose name is Rebecca. She is 18 and is a freshman at UNC Greensboro. I have a beautiful adult daughter named Kristen Dawn, who lives in Natick, Massachusetts still. She is 28.

My career is the reason I have built up such an extensive database of transitional housing options in North Carolina. I have the responsibility of placing many of our patients in structured living programs when they discharge from our center, so I have made it my business to become familiar with as many forms of transitional housing in our state as possible. This is one area that many substance abuse counselors find difficult to handle, due to time constraints and lack of resources, so I want to post these resources on the internet. Hopefully, it will give others a chance to use them. I will include links to other addiction/recovery related web sites as well. If you are aware of some transitional housing resources in North Carolina, or in fact anywhere, Please email them to me. At some distant point in the future, I will expand this list to include other states, so any information forwarded to me will eventually be put to good use.

Transitional Housing Resources in North Carolina

#Day One

#Day Two

#Day Three

#Day four

Day 5

Some of my favorite links

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