Pentacles Key Words

Ace = ideas manifesting
2 = juggling ideas
3 = very skilled
4 = financial security/greed
5 = bad luck/ill-health
6 = giving/charity
7 = success with fear of failure/pessimistic
8 = mundane work/new job
9 = achievement
10 = affluence/inheritance

Ace = Creative Energy
 2 = Balancing
 3 = Perfected Skills
 4 = Miserly
 5 = On the outside looking in
 6 = Generousity
 7 = Growth
 8 = Apprentice
 9 = Solitary Security
 10 = Prosperity

1. AMBITION,  creative spark, idea of material creation
2. JUGGLING RESOURCES ,  finding ways to develop necessary skills
3. CONCRETIZATION, initial completing of project, or early success
4. STAGNATION ...holding too tightly to resources because of fear of loss
5. LOSS OF FAITH IN SELF, potential disaster
6. RESTORATION OF SELF ESTEEM, generosity of another, renewed faith
7. RISKY DECISION, turning point
8. BURST OF ENERGY, new venture or skills
9. SELF SATISFACTION, security, contentment
10. ACHIEVEMENT OF LASTING VALUE, making one's mark

Three-recognition for skill
Seven-hard work brings growth
Nine-solitary enjoyment

Ace:  an increase
2: balance
3. talent
5.darkest hour of the soul in any area
6.getting/giving fair share
7. "tomato plant"  - growth
8.  apprentice
9   accomplishment
10  security

Ace -Manifestation;  Security; Wealth.
2.    -Balance;  Adaptability;  Change.
3.   - Negotiation;  Skill;  Employment.
4.   - Control;  Stability;  Security.
5.   - Isolation; Insecurity; Worry.
6.   - Generosity;  Success;  Charity.
7.   - Vision;  Perseverance;  Failure.
8.   - Improvement; Apprenticeship;
9.   - Gratitude;  Accomplishments;
10 -  Wealth; Inheritance;  Old age.

Ace - Earth/Law
2 - Change
3 - Effort
4 - Increase
5 - Conflict
6 - Benefit
7 - Attention
8 - Education
9 - Good luck
10 - Opportunity

Ace - Abundance
2 - Cycles
3 - Skilled Labor
4 - Blockage, need for boundaries
5 - Discouragement
6 - Good advice
7 - Blockages
8 - Inner wisdom
9 - Spiritual Wealth
10 - Protection

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