Learning The Tarot Together

This is an introduction to the Tarot. It is a very basic, simple, and effective
way to learn how to read Tarot cards. If you follow these guidelines, study,
and practice, practice, practice... you will learn how to read Tarot Cards for
yourself and others. For fun and/or profit!

I know that when I first started to undertake the task of learning to read
Tarot Cards, I found it very overwhelming and intimidating. This is the outline of the class I teach for beginning tarot students.

So, you want to learn to read Tarot Cards? Or maybe you've tried to learn and learning the meanings of all 78 cards seemed overwhelming to you. Maybe you memorized a few "book" meanings of the cards and gave up because it didn't make sense to you. Perhaps you've looked at the cards, you've looked at the little white book (LWB) that comes with the deck, but when you try to put them together it's frustrating to you because you just can't see the connection between the book meanings and the cards. Maybe you look at another deck, or another book, and end up more confused because one book says the card means one thing, and another book says the card means something else. Now you're left wondering who's definition is right, and who's definition is wrong?! There are 100's of books on what each card "really" means, but the truth is that the tarot system is open to interpretation and the ultimate meaning is what YOU decide it should be!

The first thing you need to do, if you haven't already, is acquire a deck of Tarot cards. You need a deck that appeals to you.

Most decks refer to the sutis as Wands, Pentacles, Swords, and Cups. You may be more comfortable using a traditional deck with these associations, but this is not an absolute necessity, as long as you know which suit in your deck corresponds with the traditional suits.

Symbolism is a very important tool to help you learn the cards, so it is also highly recommended that you choose a deck that includes symbolism on all 78 cards.

It is important that when you look at a card from your deck, you can actually see how the author arrived at their meaning, or you are able to see your own meaning in the card.

Some of the popular decks to learn with are:
Rider Waite
Universal Waite
Robin Wood
Morgan Greer

I suggest you start a notebook. A loose-leaf notebook that you can add or remove pages as necessary. Have one page per card. As your experience with the cards grows, so will your notebook.

Read books about Tarot Cards. Here is a list of some helpful books that I've read and recommend.

Tarot Unveiled: The Method to Its Magic By Laura Clarson
Tarot Plain and Simple By Anthony Louis
Tarot For Yourself By Mary K. Greer
Tarot Dictionary and Compendium By Jana Riley
Tarot: A new Handbook For The Apprentice By Eileen Connolly
Power Tarot By Trish MacGregor and Phyllis Vega
Step By Step Tarot By Terry Donaldson
The Elements of The Tarot By A T Mann
Learning The Tarot By Joan Bunning

since 6/6/1999.

Learning The Pip Cards

Court Cards

Wands Keywords

Pentacles Key Words

Swords Key Words

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