1661 Claas Jansz: van Rensburg was born, we are descendants of him. 1708 is
a significant date since that is when he was married and his probable arrival
year at the Cape, in Africa. The 1964 Population Register of SA records 46,500
van Rensburg's, it ranked equal tenth most common surname. This web-page contains
original documents as links. For those with slower computers take note of the
size of each link, as some may take longer to load.
are four Branches from Claas's sons, your input and any additional information
will be appreciated. Genealogical research and family history is a never ending
is no official coat of arms for our family, but I have used the most commonly
used. This de facto coat of arms, is based upon the Coat of Arms of the town
Rijnsburg, in Holland.
julle kuiertjie hier by ons Blad. Die inligting is in Engels vir die onthalwe
van my gesin. As u my wil kontak, onthou ek is darem nie skaam vir my eie moedertaal
Met hartelike van Rensburg groete.
Andre van Rensburg and my son Martin.
Contact: andre@rensburg.com