Attendance and Tardy Policy for Mrs. Cahan's Class

Attendance Policy:

Once you have missed the first 10 minutes of class you are considered absent. Once you have accrued 11 absences, both excused and unexcused or 5 unexcused absences you will be dropped from the class to study hall without credit!! For each unexcused absence you will receive one hour of detention with me before or after school and a phone call to your parents.

*For each unexcused absence you will lose 25 citizenship points and on the 5th you will lose all remaining points for the semester.

Tardy Policy:

1st tardy – I will remind you to be on time.

2nd tardy – I will remind you again.

3rd tardy – You will spend a ½ hour of your time with me before or after school, and I will call your parents to let them know.

4th tardy – You will spend 1 hour with me before or after school, I will call your parents and we will draw up a contract.

5th tardy – You will spend 2 hours with me before or after school, again we will call home to let them know on the next you are dropped from the class with no credit.

6th tardy – Removal from our class to study hall without credit!!

*For each tardy you will lose 10 citizenship points and on the 5th tardy you will lose all remaining citizenship points for the semester.

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