My Poems
Erm... well where to start...
I do have alot of them, but mostly they're just pure venting of feeling :) Beats getting into a rage anyday!
So here's some of the ones I actually like.
Most of them are several years old at this stage, someday I'll type up more recent ones... :)
[This one was written for my dad, it was about 1 am on Father's Day morning and I suddenly realised that I didn't have a present for him... so out comes the piece of paper and the memories he had shared with me of picking the site for the house when he was younger and working in a field here... and all the characteritics are true, two trees at the gate, flowerbeds, the hill and a path... I turned out differently from what I expected, and much better than I had hoped, he like it anyway, and thats what counts...] My Home Two trees, Up close A pathway The roses The view, The house, My family The vision Myself, |
[A little bit of an emotive poem here, I have some rather bitter memories from primary school, and I guess they've kinda haunted me... but, i think thats one of the reason why I do actually write stuff, all it is is a way to get the memories and the anger away from me, and it's working :) This one was from a time where I had gone totally away from, well what I considered childish rhyming, and into a much more open style, but writing this in sing-song rhyme seemed somewhat appropiate... well to me anyway...] Childhood Games 18th July 1999 |
[One of the few poems that I've ever written that I've just looked at and said, "Yes! I like this. It makes sense." :) And I still like it, it's all I want for my poems to be... Just looked at the date on it! over a year and a half old.. wow ] A Poet's Wish I write, With a rhyme If I fail to rhyme, Grouped together, 27th June 1999 |
[I wrote a few short little verses just to get the ideas down onto a piece of paper, intending someday to finish them off, I never have, but I always liked this one...] The River Poignant spray splashes up, |
[One of a series of poems from one sleepless night, I was feeling very melancholic and was pretty much questioning everything, not seriously even, just raising half questions and running away with them. :)] Entities in the Skies What are we, Really I think, Because we need it? Because we made, 27th June 1999 |
[Last day of Second Year... finished an exam (Business Studies I think) about an hour early, (ah the joys of having working in my dads business from when I was tiny), and had about half a page of paper covered in odd bits and pieces by the time the exam was over.. and here's some of it, almost a thank you... to someone... ] Random Memories A breath of air, A special promise, There's a kind of hope, 4th June 1999 |