Updated 11/03

No ... I am not Ben Franklin ... I have nothing to do with Ben Franklin ... I don't even know who Ben Franklin is! Mommy says there is some kind of "glitch" in the Yahoo system. She has tried to bring it to Yahoo's attention, but they were no help in sorting out the matter. But that's ok for me - I get lots of entries in my guestbook from all over the world and that's pretty cool! While you are here visiting my page accidentally, stop by and sign my guestbook. It's so much fun to see who has been at my home page! Look around for awhile and see what life is like for the average 6 year old boy these days ....

Me - enjoying a boat ride
Summer - 2003

Hi there... My name is Logan and I am 6 years old. I live in "The Valley Of The Sun" - Phoenix, Arizona - with my Mom, Tammy - my big sister, Caitlin - and two big brothers - Tim (he's 12) and Charles (he's 8)
That's right - I'm the BABY and I like it that way!!
I spend most of my time playing outside with my brother, Charles and all the neighborhood boys (this place is full of them!) Jonathon, Lucas, Cameron and Connor are my closest buds. I love to make up new tricks on my skateboard and my all time favorite thing to do is play with my Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I am doing great in first grade (I'm a pretty smart kid!) and as my teacher says, I keep her laughing all the time. I am still working on raising my hand though - hey ... I always have an opinion and I want to let everyone know what I am thinking!
I used to have a make-believe friend named Jackie. Sometimes she was a girl and sometimes he was a boy. When we moved out of our apartment to our new house, Jackie decided to stay in the old place, so I haven't seen her in about two years. (Or maybe she's just mad about the time Mommy let her go down the tub drain one night!) I guess losing good friends is all part of growing up! My big sister calls me "Bubbaroo" and I like that nickname alot. I haven't talked to the "Boss" in my head lately either - guess he figured it was time for me to start figuring things out on my own, now that I am such a big kid.
I'm a real professional on the computer, for a 6 year old of course. I like to play on the computer when Mommy watches me, so I don't click all the wrong buttons. I love to get E-Cards, especially ones with games on them. And I'm really good with my mouse these days. Even though I am doing great learning how to read I still have to stick to the "little kid" sites, since they put so many big words on the other ones!

Here's some new pictures of me and my family,
mostly from our summer vacation.

Logan's Picture Page!

Kindergarten Graduation

Some pictures of the animals we share our home with!

Logan's Real Pets

Check out my adoptions!

Logan's Adopted CyberPetz!

Please sign my guestbook while you are here ... Mommy reads all the entries to me
and I have some from many different countries and all over the US.

...Lots more pictures of me and my family at my Mommy's Homepage!
Mommy apologizes - she can't remember where she got most of the graphics for this page! Probably at her favorite places - GIFWORKS,ACTION GIFS TO GO,THE ANIMATION FACTORY, or at one of the tons of places for free graphics linked at CLIPART.COM!!!