Word Bankers Toastmasters        Club
The WordBankers        Toastmaster Club meets every Tuesday of every month from 12:00        to 1:00. Contact        Information:
President, Cynthia Page
Members say what          they like best about the club is its international feel, because they          come from many different countries.
To request a pass          to the next meeting:
You don't have to          work at the World Bank to be a member.  Right now, however, we currently have 44 members so we encourage you to check out or sister club in the Bank, Global links.
Related Links:
Send email to Global Links: Our sister club in the World Bank
Because of security          concerns, visitors are required to have a pass to enter World Bank buildings.          If you contact us, we will have a pass ready for you at the front entrance          of the Main Complex at 1818 H Street NW, Room MC 4-500, Washington, DC, 20433, the building in which we meet.
Toastmasters International
District 36 Home Page
Division B Home Page.