Welcome to my Guestbook!

Val DeSept - 12/15/00 14:04:47
My URL:http://expage.com/valdesept
My Email:valdesept@yahoo.com
Sex: male
Age: ageless
State or Country you reside: canada

my compliments on your site . i enjoyed your words . peace .

Johnathon Weaver - 10/22/00 20:41:38
My Email:mbarbour@ec.rr.com
Sex: Male
Age: 19
State or Country you reside: NC, USA


STONE - 09/18/00 04:54:07
State or Country you reside: PA


Janet Hughes - 08/04/00 05:20:20
My Email:alytj1@juno.com
Sex: female
Age: 24
State or Country you reside: WA

Hey you, Never thought you'd here from me, huh? Heather tells me you're getting married. Congradulations!!! Email me, it would be nice to here from you. Janet

james - 07/06/00 05:46:40
My URL:/artbyjames
My Email:jamescumberland@yahoo.com
Age: 29
State or Country you reside: Indiana/usa

I enjoyed your poetry!

- 06/10/00 00:49:12

some things ARE forever

Jackie - 06/07/00 04:16:51
My Email:gottaloveme@jackiesmail.com
Sex: female
Age: 17
State or Country you reside: Florida

I like your poems, I think you talent and I appricate you sharing them with us! I like your state of mind,not to blunt, but not to slow! Thanks for sharing Jackie

Adam McArthur - 05/12/00 08:22:04
My URL:http://amcarthur.tripod.com
My Email:madimac@wa.freei.net
Sex: lots
Age: 24
State or Country you reside: tacoma, WA

hey josh, I'm sorry it took so long for me to get a hold of you agian, but your not exactly easy to find on the web. I havn't heard from you in a long time, but apperantly your doing well. E-mail me soon or go to my web site. I really look forward to earing from you. Adam

Adam McArthur - 05/12/00 08:19:42
My URL:http://amcarthur.tripod.com
My Email:madimac@wa.freei.net


Shannon - 05/05/00 23:24:01
My Email:wine4rose@aol.com
Sex: female
Age: 26
State or Country you reside: fl

Josh, You of course know that I love your poems. But I decided to read your guestbook and had to leave because I almost got jealous. LOL. Just kidding. Talk to you soon.

YAJAIRA GALINDEZ - 04/27/00 02:19:09
My Email:YAJ7906459@AOL.COM
Age: 17
State or Country you reside: FLORIDA


Black Orchid - 03/23/00 22:45:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/stars/melt
State or Country you reside: usa


Janie - 03/23/00 18:24:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/messagesoftheheart
My Email:starzoftexas@aol.com
Sex: female
State or Country you reside: Texas

Hi Josh, your poetry is truly from your heart and soul, I can actually feel it as I read it. I truly enjoyed what I read. it was you from the inside out. Keep up the wonderful work. I too am a poet, and i would love for you to come visit me!

Pandora - 03/19/00 03:45:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/pandora31/pandora.html

Oups!!just made a mistake in my url...this is the correct one!!!LOL....Sorry....but you can always click on my banner;o))

Pandora - 03/19/00 03:40:22
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pandora31/pandora.html
My Email:charlafo@hotmail.com
Sex: welllll i guess you can figure it out LOL
Age: 31
State or Country you reside: Canada, Quebec

Loved your poetry!!! Your feelings come accross 100%. One can know you, just by reading them all. Life as many ups and downs. It's what we do with the "downs", that helps us to grow stronger... I invit you to come and visit my website. Tell me what you think! I write short sensual stories all in good taste. Being part of management in Patrick's Universe, we are recruting male writers, for a special sector. Please let me know if you would be inte ested. I think you would be a perfect candidate and it is a great online family to be part of! And your work would be known. It's all on a voluntary basis. Hope to hear from you soon...;o)) Yours truly, Pandora. Remember, love is always where you least expect it...

Jillian Stacy - 02/05/00 04:37:35
My Email:Singrbaby@aol.com
Age: 21
State or Country you reside: Belleview, FL

I thought it was wonderful. I look forward to reading any new ones you may write. Such depth from an obviously sensitive and caring guy, its nice to know they still exist.

Debbie - 01/31/00 02:48:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pe/poems4all/index.html
My Email:Moody53@aol.com
Sex: female
Age: 46
State or Country you reside: PA

Hi Josh... I truly enjoyed reading your poetry. Oh, to be young again...and go naked in the rain. I still go for long walks in the rain, but with my clothes on... Debbie

anna - 01/22/00 06:30:15
My Email:scspice@hotmail.com
Sex: female
Age: 18
State or Country you reside: South Carolina

i'm sorry for what i wrote. i now know that you were having computer problems and were not just ignoring me. you are an awsome person and any woman who ends up with you will be the luckest person i know. your poetry is inspiring and breath taking. i can o ly hope to achieve that level one day. i hope our friendship continues...

anna - 01/14/00 05:46:21
My Email:scspice@hotmail.com
Sex: female
Age: 18
State or Country you reside: South Carolina

josh, i deeply enjoy your poetry and i had hoped that we could continue our friendship. i really enjoyed talking to you but now you won't even talk to me. call me if you wish.

~heather~ - 01/09/00 03:35:40
My Email:Tigg135307@aol.com
Sex: female
Age: 13
State or Country you reside: unknown

I like your peoms alot. I think that they are every good. make up some more if you could. keep writing.

abe vansile - 01/03/00 18:36:11

had to check it out. pretty cool

Summer - 12/24/99 09:18:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/summerfli
My Email:SummerFli@aol.com
Sex: Female
Age: 23
State or Country you reside: FL


Hi! Thanks for letting me leave some input here. I really like your site A LOT! I'm glad we met & you seem to be a very nice, sincere & interesting person. You better keep in touch. Keep up the hard, hard, hard work! I know this internet stuff can be time consuming. About me… I'm a full-time college student majoring in sociology & just getting started in this internet stuff. I also am a very poetic & romantic person. If you'd like to add your site to mine, just send me your text/button/banner HTML ODE ASAP! Then, I will link it & notify you where your site can be seen. So … come by my site & sign my guestbook. I value & appreciate any input you can provide.

My Home Page - Summer's Place

Summer’s Free Stuff Page 1

Wanna Swap Links? Just click here & we’ll trade codes!

With Respect, Peace & Love,


Katrina Joyner - 12/17/99 01:22:05
My URL:http://users.fdn.com/~sprkrier/
My Email:sprkrier@leading.net
Sex: female
Age: 28
State or Country you reside: FL

nice site, and very brave of you to put such personal site up for anyone to see.

Laura - 12/12/99 04:31:15
My Email:Reddhott458@aol.com
Sex: Hopefully
Age: Much too young to feel this damn old!!!
State or Country you reside: FL

Your words are inspirational. Touches the very depth of my heart and soul. Continue the great work...

Jennie - 11/07/99 02:17:09
State or Country you reside: USA

I was a little blinded by your colors but you write right from your heart. Its very important that men can write about how they feel. Keep exploring.

Kristina - 11/04/99 00:13:59
My Email:Happedaiz@AOL.com
Sex: Female
Age: 19
State or Country you reside: Fl

Hey 'Big Brother'! Sorry to hear that Furball hasn't made it back home yet, I'm sure that her abductors are treating her well.....As always I love everything you write, I'm jealous that I can't write and express myself that good!!!! Luv, Your 'Little Sister'

Krista - 11/01/99 16:32:44
My Email:juaephi@aol.com
Age: 22
State or Country you reside: FL

I love what you have done...

Vickie Teets - 10/14/99 19:39:07
My Email:VLT520@aol.com
Sex: female
Age: 30
State or Country you reside: Tennessee

Hey, Josh. I love that picture of you. You are better looking than what I remember you being last time I saw a picture of you. Do you have a girlfriend, yet? I hope not. We still need to meet someday. I hope you have cheered up since last time we used to alk. I remember you used to always be so depressed. How did you get your own website? I remember your poem, "Window to my soul". You sent it to me a long time ago. It's such a pretty poem. I don't write any anymore. I used to. Well, I guess I'll go. Hope o talk to ya some more soon, real soon. Bye, Vickie :)

Richard - 09/29/99 04:35:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/5094/
My Email:drnflrbgbt@webtv.net
Age: 30
State or Country you reside: Alabama

I enjoyed your poetry & your website.

Tasha - 09/24/99 01:03:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sd/salty/
State or Country you reside: usa

I enjoyed my visit. :o)

sweet dreams..

come on over!

Gina - 09/20/99 23:25:12
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/po/960/gina/list.html
My Email:lilroy@apci.net
Sex: female
Age: 26
State or Country you reside: il

i really enjoyed your poetry. you have a lot of meaning in them and it tells alot of your character.please come and visit my page

Kevin - 08/25/99 04:08:11
My URL:http://angelfire.com/sk/freetoeveryone
My Email:Monkie3076@aol.com
Sex: Male
Age: 16
State or Country you reside: USA

Great webpage!

The Fae Gatekeeper of Dreams - 08/25/99 00:22:35
My URL:http://www.faegatekeeper.com
My Email:euphoria@cp-tel.net
Sex: ;)
Age: forever

Greetings! Interesting site you have, please keep up the good work.

Wendy - 08/13/99 04:31:20
My URL:http://www.brezi.com
My Email:wendy@brezi.com
Age: 34
State or Country you reside: AZ


Visit Brezi's Home Page
Enjoyed reading your poetry. Stay sweet, Brezi

Annette - 08/05/99 18:58:43
My Email:thebruces@enter.net
Sex: female
State or Country you reside: PA

You write from my heart and soul! Thank you for sharing your poetry with me!

Romie - 07/30/99 05:20:02
My URL:http://fly.to/romie
My Email:romie_77@hotmail.com
Sex: Female
Age: 21
State or Country you reside: Oklahoma


Hiya there!
I really enjoyed reading some of your poems
They really show emotion and feelings
Thanks for making them available!
Stop by my webpage sometime.
The doors are always open for visitors.

Sprinklez and Sparklez,Romie

Kim Miller - 07/27/99 12:15:33
My Email:dreamspinner3@yahoo.com
State or Country you reside: USA

Welcome you the Poetry Thread webring. You have a very nice site here.

Crissy - 07/24/99 00:13:58
My Email:MissTeacha@aol.com
Sex: Female
Age: 23
State or Country you reside: Florida

Hi Josh! You have a wonderful web site here and it seems to grow better all the time. You have such talent. Take care! I miss ya! Crissy :o)

Gail Kugler - 07/22/99 17:08:35
My Email:m.k.wood@worldnet.att.net
Sex: female
Age: I will never tell
State or Country you reside: fl

Hi josh, i really like all of your work. The angel with golden wings is my favorite. see ya Gail

HCBARR - 07/16/99 05:13:20
Age: 22
State or Country you reside: FLORIDA


Charles D. McNeal - 07/15/99 17:30:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/7542
My Email:cmcneal@hotmail.com
Sex: male
Age: 52
State or Country you reside: Kansas

Exceptional work Josh...well crafted...I like your use of double ryhme swollows hollows etc. Come visit my site...CDM

Sunshine* - 07/15/99 11:27:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/8661/index.html
My Email:sunshine___@hotmail.com
Sex: Female
Age: ha! U got 2 B kidding!
State or Country you reside: TX

Fantastic place you have here Josh.. Keep up the great work!

Dae - 06/14/99 16:34:38
My Email:Daemoncede@aol.com
Sex: male mentality. poor excuse for a female form....eh heh
Age: mentally, spiritually, or physically?
State or Country you reside: i take it "psychosis" and the like would be cliche....we'll say FL

why am i not surprised to find your following is predominantly female. and young ones at that...it does bring a smirk to my lips. just a brief note to let you know ive been tracking your progress in my own way. our writings still parallel one another a bit... and it pleases me that youve finally allowed a greater audience access to your work. maybe ill get around to doing the same always good to see someone bleed on a page... ciao

Judy - 06/05/99 02:53:39
My Email:Nina9001
Sex: Female
Age: 26
State or Country you reside: Florida

I hope on day you'll write a poem for me.

Judy - 06/05/99 02:52:50
My Email:Nina9001
Sex: Female
Age: 26
State or Country you reside: Florida

I hope one day you'll write a poem about me.

Babette Heaton - 06/01/99 01:50:20
My Email:f29luve@aol.com
Sex: Female
Age: 29
State or Country you reside: Missouri

I think you are an excellant writer.Your poetry tells alot about you. Babette

Anne Massey - 05/31/99 18:09:46
My Email:anniepan81
Sex: female
Age: 18 tomorrow!!!!!!
State or Country you reside: Florida

you can not make money without working for it! HAHA On another note I read some of your poetry and it was very good. Good is such a lame word to use as a description of such inspiration, but GOOD was the best way to sum it all up. I especially liked Naked in the Rain.

Lauren - 05/22/99 02:17:06
My Email:nome49@aol.com
Sex: chick
Age: 18
State or Country you reside: Florida

You definately have talent.

anne massey - 05/16/99 15:57:21
My Email:anniepan81
Sex: female
Age: 17 until 6-1-99
State or Country you reside: Florida


Rosie - 04/27/99 02:07:13
My Email:Rosie2618@aol.com
Sex: Female
Age: 25
State or Country you reside: Charlotte,NC

Josh, Your poems ar turely wonderful. Keep up the GREAT work honey!luv Rosie

Kara - 04/04/99 23:32:22
My URL:http://members.aol.com/somefunny/index.html
My Email:okaramia
Sex: Sure!
Age: 26
State or Country you reside: Top of the Middle Florida

Hey there! Great poetry! A fan of Maya myself:) Kara

aimee brown - 03/31/99 07:26:43


Melinda - 03/14/99 22:58:11
My Email:LendrBe@aol.com
Sex: female
Age: 28
State or Country you reside: Mississippi

Josh... What can I say. Your Poems were so moving. I love them all but I believe "Memories" was my favorite because of all thing is you lose something or someone you can always have the meomries so you never do really lose them. Keep it up!!! :-) Melinda

Carol - 03/07/99 08:11:49
My Email:Nic2Evry12@aol.com
Sex: Female
Age: 19
State or Country you reside: Summerfield Florida

Well Hiyas Josh.... we have not known each other very long but you seem like a great guy!! I will continue to visit your site to read all your new additions... they are Great Hun, keep up the good work :) Luv, Carol

Kissme Kay - 03/04/99 19:13:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/6099/
My Email:Kissme3532@aol.com
Sex: Kissably Female
Age: 24
State or Country you reside: Orlando, Florida

Dear Josh, I loved your site and I think you're pretty cute too! I'm looking forward to seeing more! All of your romantic friends should visit my website called Kays Love Connection at http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/6099/ Its a page for friends and lovers featuring some of my favorite things. LOL Until then Josh, I remain kissably yours, xxxxxxxxxKissmexxxxxxx

danielle willams - 02/27/99 13:00:37
My Email:plummy_98@yahoo.com
Sex: female
Age: 19
State or Country you reside: connecticut

i love your poems

Stephen Mulln - 02/23/99 20:34:45
My Email:semtec@webtv.net
Sex: male
Age: 22
State or Country you reside: FL

I found your site inspirational and uplifiting. your poems have opened me up to a hole new light. please continue to write and I will return to read more of your wisdom.

Leslie - 02/22/99 04:21:40
My Email:Sweetlip22
Sex: Female
Age: 48
State or Country you reside: Florida

Josh, you know how I feel about your poetry. What I've read is filled with such sadness, such passion, that it overflows into my heart. Your poems clearly are, the window to your soul.... I shall come here often...

Crissy - 02/21/99 00:29:17
My Email:MissTeacha@aol.com
Sex: Female
Age: 22
State or Country you reside: Florida

Hey Josh! I always knew you were a talented person. Now, others can see that too. Just don't be like me and give up on your web site after a few months. Continue to share your artistic expressions with others. You are a wonderful friend and all these gir s out there need to listen to me! A guy who can share his innermost thoughts and feelings with you is hard to find. When you do find one...hold on and don't let go!Josh is going to make some woman very lucky someday.

betty - 02/19/99 00:54:48
My Email:betty65807@yahoo.com
Sex: female
Age: 20
State or Country you reside: missouri

josh you are very talented. i hope you continue writting because it is a great way to express ones self

Patty - 02/18/99 04:35:58
My Email:pattyzgt@al.com
Sex: Female
Age: 25
State or Country you reside: Maryland

I'd like to say that I have been reading Josh's poetry for years and I am so happy that he has finally let other people experience what I have over the years. Way to go.

sandra - 02/12/99 06:51:56
Sex: female
Age: 15
State or Country you reside: illinois.

i really enjoyed reading your peoms. i liked naked in the rain, and stained glass the most. i can feel what you were trying to say in them.. thanx, sandra

Esther Ehrsam - 01/13/99 18:03:59
Sex: Female
Age: 24
State or Country you reside: Indiana

Very Nice!

- 12/03/98 22:10:50
My Email:badjed@penn.com
State or Country you reside: PA

Wonderful site. I'll come here often. Love the poems and keep up the good work.

Greg Kash - 11/21/98 17:45:46
My Email:gdk6970@aol.com
Sex: Male
Age: 28
State or Country you reside: Florida

Great site, can't wait to read more poems:)

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