Excerpts from "Ruth" 1:1 JUDGES- The Bible records these as unsatisfactory times. Israel kept turning from God, forgetting all His goodness to them, and drifting into the moral and religious ways of the Canaanites around. God had to leave them to reap the bitter harvest of their sins, until oppression drove them to cry out for His help. Time and again they had to learn that if they chose to be just another Baal worshipping tribe, they must take their chances among their neighbours, and be at their mercy. The surrounding tribes were more firmly entrenched in their lands, better organised, and better weaponed. They could put an army in the field at short notice, or organise swift raiding parties to terrorise, and if they found weakness, begin permanent occupation. Recent Archaeological discoveries confirm that the Israelites had been driven back into the hills, and were farming small terraced fields cleared from the forest while the Canaanites flourished on the more fertile plains. [Obeying Josh 17:15, "Go up into the forest and clear land for yourselves," but refusing to trust/ obey God for vs 18 "though the Canaanites have iron chariots and are strong you can drive them out."] All the Israelites prayed for/ attempted, was to fend off raids on their small holdings. As the ceiling height of a typical village farm house was 5ft 3, it seems that they may have been stunted by poverty. With David's deliverances, these hill villages/ farms were abandoned promptly, as the Israelites were able to occupy the fertile plains. .. STEPS POOR COULD TAKE SO AS TO SURVIVE BAD TIMES. BORROW MONEY- Lev 25:35-7, Money must be lent interest free, regardless of the likelihood of repayment, Deu 15:9 . Such debts were to be cancelled every 7th year. **1 SELL FAMILY LAND- Lev 25:23 onwards, "not permanently, because the land is Mine and you are my tenants." Redemption must be allowed, "because what he is really selling is the number of crops," Lev 25:16. SELL SELVES- Lev 25:39-43... Footnote **1. The Hebrew word for interest is "BITE" Nashak, as borrowing put a man at the mercy of the lender. It still does in rural communities such as in India. The NT has the modern concept of money as capital lent to be productive. Interest is the "OFFSPRING" Tokos the money lent has "GIVEN BIRTH TO/ produced. "I would have had my own with INTEREST," Mt 25:27. .. 1:2 ELIMELECH- My God is King. NAOMI- Pleasant. EPHRATHITES- Ephratah- Fertility. The names SOUND Idyllic, but without obedient faith in God it was all an empty sham. Famine in the house of bread. Elimelech unwilling to trust/obey God and claim the rights of the poor in Israel. (OR to trust the Lord's people - the two are inseparable.) How sad today when Believers prefer to do business with, enjoy recreation with, or seek help from UNBELIEVERS, not so as to be a witness to them, but because "They're easier to get on with/ being friendly with them demands less of us." This is true, maybe, but God has placed us in the body of Christ with those He has chosen specifically, 1 Cor 12:12-26, with a view to our PRESENT growth, and ETERNAL joy, Eph 4:15-17, rather than present pleasure that is a waste of time as far as eternal things are concerned. We need to build within our local church a real fellowship of love, and speaking the truth in love, in Christ, AND USE IT. Discontented Elimelech goes to try his luck in a new land, among new people, under a new god. As always, he took his problems with him - and reaped sickness, death, and the extinction of their "EPHRATAH" family. MAHLON- Sick. CHILION- Pining. Unlikely birth names, descriptive nick-names earned as they lived, as Saul's son ESHBAAL, became known as "ISH-BOSHETH" - "Worthless man!" 2 Sam 2:8; 1 Chr 8:33. 1:3-4 TOOK THEM WIVES. Simple terms used, daughters of poor families like themselves. RUTH- Appearance or Beauty? Even the poor have hopes/ dreams as they name their children. Ruth developed beauty of character, whatever her appearance. 1:5 WAS LEFT OF/without- Sarid. It has unpleasant associations, Num 24:19 is typical. Poor Naomi, in leaving God's land, she lost all. It may not have been her choice, if it was the men's idea, but all going out from God ends in the disgrace of lost souls, or wasted lives. Our God-given responsibility to CHOOSE is to be taken seriously, and exercised in His sight, in the light of His word. Grace transformed the situation, but the witness of the cost - three graves in Moab - remained. 1:6-7 AROSE- by God's grace, and her choice, to RETURN. A simple word, but the only key that can open the door to blessing. Deu 30:2-3 ....