from Linwood Bible Chapel
Christchurch New Zealand

some Christian material   

Ed Read
Listening to the Lord
1. Expository and homiletic 
Bible book studies
Joshua 1_9 
Ruth-Habakkuk-Haggai...a web page of excerpts
1 Kings 1-8   1 Kings 9-22
2 Kings 1-15    2 Kings 15-25
Matthew 1-5   Matthew 6-11   Matthew 11-16
Matthew 17-23    Matthew 24-28
Romans 1-4    Romans 5-8
Romans 9-11    Romans 12_16-
1 Cor 1-4   1 Cor 5-7   1 Cor 8-11
 1 Cor 12-14   1 Cor 15-16
2 Cor 1-4   2 Cor 5-9   2 Cor 10-13
1 Thessalonians   2 Thessalonians
2 Peter
Revelation 1-11   Revelation 4-22

2. Topical studies
The Law and the Lordship of Christ
The believer and spiritual evil
...a web page of excerpts
Church History Pre-Reformation
...a web page of excerpts
Abortion protests, the sanctity of life
Reformation towards the New Testament Pattern 
- AN Groves and the 'Brethren movement'
...a web page of excerpts
...a web page of excerpts
Beyond the Greek Concordance
Bible Versions: God's Word in English

....  a selection of Christian topics,
written by members of the Christian fellowships
at Linwood Bible Chapel and Rowley Ave Chapel 
in Christchurch, New Zealand.
"All scripture is inspired by God
and is profitable for
doctrine, reproof, correction
and for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3)

The download format was changed 
in December 2000 to pdf files
For a free reader, go to

Some fonts are printed badly; we are working on this! In case of problems, e-mail for a file in a mutually convenient format
David  Stedman
Bible Verses linked to Hymns
Geoff Stedman 
Science and Christianity
(HTML)   (Word)

Geoff Stedman
Short meditations and parables

Christmas and Antarctica
Secret Codes 
New things in Isaiah 9
1 Chronicles 29
Psalm 85:8
The Hoiho - Continuing Steadfast
1 Cor 15 & Resurrection
Seven pictures..reasons
Supernova 1987
Snakes and Ladders
Recognising Him
Ephesians 3
Christian's responsibility in the church
James, caricature and commitment


Name: Geoff Stedman
For the context of this Home Page, visit
Linwood Bible Chapel

Feedback is welcome! Please e-mail Geoff