Meet Me and My Family
Up My Star Children

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Hi! This is me ~ KAZ ~Elestrial~ Crystal Star Woman
(my Mayan name is
Resonant White World Bridger)

This photo was taken in May 1998 ~ I am sitting in my Mum's "Sacred Space", a beautiful little room created by my Mum (with my Dad's help). It is a lovely place to sit and meditate, listen to inspiring music, give card readings, etc.

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Let me introduce myself a little more...

I was born on the 13th of July 1960, so my star sign is Cancer (I have Libra rising and Moon in Pisces). I have many interests, most of which are featured within these web pages! I particularly love Crystals, Divination Cards (of which I have many ~ too many!) and Reiki (I am a Reiki and Seichem Master/Teacher). I am interested in things like Astrology, Dowsing, Ley lines, Earth Healing, the Runes, Dreams... and the list goes on! I'm a Book-a-holic and a Movie-a-holic too! Things that make me angry include intolerance and "elitism".

I believe that everyone has the right to have some MAGIK in their lives!




Insight &


I have been living in France since March 1993, with my husband, Ian, and our four wonderful children, Aimee, Lucy, Katie and Tom. We share our home with our three dogs ~ Freddy, Nobby and Jack, and our beautiful cat, Opal.

We came to be living here, in France, because one day, back in 1989, my husband came home from work deciding that he'd enough of living in England... "Let's move to France!" he said. This was completely out of the blue, so I was a little taken aback, especially since we'd never been to France! I asked him if he was serious and he said he was ~ so I went to the local library to get a book about France. It's a big country, I didn't know which area I should to begin to look at, so I got out a map of France, closed my eyes, circled my finger over the map three times and took a lucky dip!

Next we arranged a flying visit, to meet an estate agent in the area that fate had picked out for us. This was the third house that we were shown and, the moment we were driven through the gates, I knew that I HAD to have it . There was an instant feeling of "returning home". Luckily for me Ian felt the same way. It wasn't easy, but, after going through many trials and tribulations we bought the house and moved here "lock, stock and barrel" in 1993.

When we moved here my "re-awakening" began. There were many coincidences, chance meetings with like-minded people, the discovery of dowsing - which led to the further discovery of the eight Ley Lines which cross at our threshold, directly below the five-pointed star, or pentagram; which was put there by someone "in the know" many, many, years ago, perhaps for protection? (You can find out more about this in The Magikal Doorway.) Other strange and wonderful things have happened in this special place ~ you will find the stories within the pages of In*Sync (the newsletter I produce) along with many other interesting topics and stories shared by my readers...

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Copyright ©
1998 Karen Bourner. All rights reserved.
Last revised:March 07, 2000.

 The Crystal Star