Hello everyone and welcome to my homepage. My name is Angeline. I've had this homepage for a long time now and until recently, I have not used it much except as an experimental ground for my very shaky VRML programming skills. I'm not totally cool at HTML either - so if this page sucks, I hope you understand. I'm trying not to use MS Frontpage as well -just to make this task a little more challenging - also of course - I need to save some disk space for other stuff and don't want to clog it up with the FrontPage Express - dear me, I'm rambling. Anyway, I'm in my room right now, which, in my honest opinion is a very very fine place because my room is so 'ME'. I'm listening to Bryan Adams on the CD right now - he sings the most romantic songs on planet earth I think. He is now going...."I'm ready to love you, I'm ready to hold you, I'm ready as I'm gonna be" - Oh Wow! It's playing on the CD-Player with 'Incredible Surround' at a volume of 10, going in repeats, and so far, Adams has gone..."I'm ready to love you" for an approximate number of 50 times. - Yes, honey, that's how much I love this song :-) This homepage is dedicated to Chris...I love you :-) And to all at Geocities and Yahoo! who made this free stuff thingy possible - You guys are the coolest! And last but not least, of course, to Paul for being a friend and for help with HTML.
I'm planning for some cool stuff to appear soon on this page - that is if I can tear myself from playing pool - my latest addiction.
You see Friedrich Nietzsche on the left because my all-time favourite quote is a Nietzsche one. I lost the quote together with my address book and other very important information with it - so until I find the quote again - or until my memory discontinues failing me - You will have it right here on my site :-)
The plans I have for this site encompasses the length and breadth of my interests. I am intending this site as a pastime (to pass time and to occupy my mind so I don't go insane), so if you're looking for some serious berious stuff, go somewhere else.
The topics I will cover include :
A Book Review of the books that I've read - the books I totally hate or admire as well as the ones I am lukewarm to.
A Travelougue of the interesting and not so interesting places I've been in Asia and elsewhere.
A Singapore Diary of my life in Singapore day to day - the interesting sights and sounds and the pictures I take with my trusty compact Nikon.
A Running Feature on Philosophy - Philosophical Ideas of my own and of others I may have read about or listened to.
These are links which I will continue to update for your assumed enjoyment ;-)
With Best Regards
Angeline Chan
December 7th, 1999 11:33pm (Singapore Time)
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