First the hash, 8 km past the Bakam Turn-Off. A large crowd of hashers had already gathered at the run site when I arrived. Most of the Miri hashers who had attended the interhash in KL were all back and some were showing off their new interhash T-shirts or trying to make some money selling the souvenirs they bought in KL. A couple of the outstation hashers were also present to experience the much-acclaimed great hash set by the Miri hashers.
At exactly 5:15 pm, Give-Her-One mounted onto the wagon to wave us off. Frantic dash by the FRB was seen leading the pack into the jungle. Wait a minute, ....this was exactly the same trail as the mini hash set by the same hare about a month ago. It was on down onto the stream where we were greeted by the cool, clear and fast flowing water. A few hashers were already cooling themselves in it. For the mini-hash trail it was on straight up the hill. But this time the hare led us across the stream and on-up on to the next steep hills. Juice Extractor was seen following the Mini hash trail back. She should be iced. A virgin (more of him later) took off his shoe when he came to the stream, wadded across and then put it back on again on the other side. I didn't notice the brand of the shoe but it must be Nike Supersonic Air and material must be either salt or sugar.
Anyway, it was a long and steep climb and finally we hit the summit where we followed the paper to the left and then down the slope and up and down and up and down. Finally, we hit the stream where we followed it until we came to a small waterfall with a small pool. Eman, Big Hole, Big Willy, Tiny Willy and myself took the opportunity to go in for a dip and relax ourselves with the natural Jacuzzi available. We were having such a wonderful time until Give-Her One came and urged us back to the wagon.
It was a great hash. At the wagon, Melon Head took charge and had the hares and virgin pottied. The visiting hashers were welcomed in the same Miri tradition down down. Jock the Strap and The Monk were iced for their great achievement during the Interhash. These two were the only hashers representing Miri HHH doing the ball breaker run and they came out first among 250 of them. It took them 3 hours 40 min. to finish a course covering over 25 km. The very last one didn't come out until 5:00 am the next morning. Congratulation to Jock the Strap and the Monk.
Oh noooooooooooo! There's somebody still in the jungle. A search party consisting of 6 very fit hashers decided to go in and search for the lost soul. The hare, Give-Her-One, and Lt. Col. Balaclava Palaba decided to go in from the front while Jock the Strap, Long Dong Hong, Luminous Palm and Jackson swept from the back. Being the smart one, I stayed with Mr. Poh, Happy Hun, 3278 & Kiing Prawn at the wagon. Where we were, we could hear them shouting. It was not until 9:30 pm, almost 2-1/2 hours later that Jock the Strap emerged from the jungle looking exhausted but bringing the good news that they had found him. He was about 4 rolls of toilet paper away from the original trail and i.e 2 hills away.
OK the interesting part! While we were waiting for them, 2 Indonesian guys who are manning the telecon tower at Bukit Song, drove past, saw us and stopped to inquire what we were doing. So we told them about the lost hasher and that we had volunteers in there looking for him. One of them then inquire the name of that hasher and I personally saw him chant to himself. Then he told us that that area is haunted by 7 spirits, 3 girls and 4 man and added that the 3 female spirits had led this Eddie into the jungle but he was alright. He added that Eddie had been charmed and that he could not hear or see any reality. If he did not come out by 12:00 midnight, he would come out himself by 5:00 am. He then asked me to show him the location where we first went into the jungle and said that he would try to free Eddie. It was about half an hour later after this that Jock the Strap emerged with the good news.
OK, now the story as told by the lost Eddie. When he came to the river, he took off his shoe and then put them back on at the other side. When he reached the top of the ridge, he saw 3 lady hashers going down the slope and started to follow them. When he reached the bottom, he suddenly could not see or hear the 3 hashers and for reason unknown, he carried on up on to the next hill and kept walking until it was dark. Then he decided to find a spot to lay down and rest and wait for the first break of light to come out. He told us that while he was resting he heard not very far from him, a motorcycle zoomed past and he also heard 4 wheel truck driving past. However, he could not see any of their headlights and decided he would stay put.
It was his shout that caught the attention of the search party. The strange thing was that he did not hear the shouting and calling made by them. Also the search party claimed that they saw lights in the jungle and that there were whistle blowing in there. No bloody hashers in Miri carried whistles and so it was very strange.
So you can see the 2 incidents were very similar. Believe it or not, it up to you. The good thing was the on on in Miri Hotel Café carried on without us and we were served the same food when we arrived. Sgt. Thien was so pleased to hear the incident that he treated this Eddie the meal.
Jock The Strap, after doing two over 3 hours hashes, was in good form and pottied all the visitors and criminals. Apart from the incident, it was a great hash and a good on-on.
ON ON Nosher