The Peril
9th February 1999
MH3 Weakly Newsletter of Hash Indignties

Run: 1658 ( Tuesday )
Date: 2nd February 1999
Location: Sgt. Thien’s Car Park
Hares: Velcro Lips & Blow-Up Rubber Doll
Een rike-up in de moederstaal is wel zo makkelijk… dus daar moeten jullie stelletje raseikels het maar mee
a         ,,       ,,  the  mothertongue  is        easier….     so there must   you bunch of race dickheads it but with
doen. De Hash site was weer eens aan de Miri Bintulu weg. Het was leuk om een andere route te moet rijden.
  do  . The ,,       ,,   was again          on the    ,,       ,,    road.  It      ,,   nice  to    a   different   ,,  to  must drive
 Je zou nog in slaap kunnen vallen als je elke dinsdag maar hetzelfde stuk af moet leggen. De hares
You would   ,, sleep   can       fall     if you all Tuesdays but     same    piece off must laying. The   ,,
waren Velcro Lips en Blow-up- rubber-doll. De hash zelf was een beetje lang , een beetje heuvellig, en een
were      ,,        ,,  and     ,,   ,,       ,,        ,,    The  ,,   itself  ,,      a    bit      long,     a     bit        hilly     and  a
beetje nat. Verder hadden de hares uiterst veel mazzel dat iedereen er (net) voor donker uit kwam.
bit       wet. Further  had      the   ,,    exceptionally lot luck that everyone (just) for darkness out came.
Dat had leuk kunnen worden… maar er waren gelukkig toch geen lantaarns (Happy Hun).
That  ,,   fun   can         be….       but there were luckily anyway no torches    (    ,,        ,,  ).
De hash was gezet met papier. Dit hoort ook zo daar papier biologisch afbreekbaar is. Je kunt je voorstellen
The  ,,     ,,     set    with paper. This hears also so there paper biodegredable            ,,. You can you imagine
wat een zooitje het zou worden als er idiooten zouden zijn die plastic afzet lint gaan gebruiken. …  snel zou
what a mess it may become if there idiots would be who plastic markation tape going   use….        fast would
alle jungle rond Miri vol liggen met plastic. De On On was bij de “waterfront” en er was deze keer ook weer
all      ,,   around ,,   full laying with     ,,.     The  ,,  ,,     ,,    at  the “      ,,      ” and there was this time also again
veel bier. Blow Up Rubber Doll kreeg lekker wat down downs….(het gerucht gaat dat hij binnenkort gaat
much beer. ,,     ,,      ,,         ,,    got    nice   what   ,,         ,,   …  (the rumour goes that he soon        going viezerik)en met hem ook collega hare Velcro Lips.en eigenlijk was iedereen zo’n beetje de lul.
marry… the pervert) and with him also collegue ,,        ,,       ,,   and actually  ,,   everyone   a     bit    the dick.
(One hare drinks… all hare drink/// one german drinks… all germans drink… ///. one Yankee drinks.. all
yankees drink///  one chinaman drinks.. all chinamen drink//).
De Hares konden de financiele afrekening nog net behabbekratsen… daarna ging het echt de goede kant
The   ,,     could   the financial     bill                   just manage.                 after that going the really the good side
op…….richting benny’s ..waar men pas echt dronken raakte.          En ze leefden  lang en gelukkig.
on….    direction   ,,  ..     where ,,   pass really drunk  getting.         And they lived long and happily.
T.b.v. pagina vulling sluit ik hierbij af met een typisch Nedelands volks liedje:
To fill up the page I conclude with a typical dutch Folksong:
Titel: “Zit op mijn gezicht”
(Title “Sit on my face”)
Ga op mijn gezicht zitten en zeg me dat je van me houd
Sit on my face and tell me that you love me
Ik zal op jou gezicht gaan zitten en zeggen dat ik ook van jou hou.
i'll sit on your face and tell you i love you too
I hou er van je te horen oraliseren
i love to hear you oralise
als ik tussen je dijen ben
when I’m between your thighs
Je blaas me weg
you blow me away
Ga op mijn gezicht zitten en laat mijn lippen je omarmen
Sit on my face and let my lips embrace you
Ik zal op jou gezicht gaan zitten en innig van je houden
I’ll sit on your face and then I’ll love you truly
het leven is fijn als we beiden negenzestig
life can be fine if we both sixty nine
Als we op allerlei manieren op elkaars gezicht zitten
if we sit on our faces in all sorts of places
en spelen to we weggeblazen worden
and play till we're blown away
(On the tune of “Monthy Python"’s “Sit on my Face”)                                                    SUPER SUCKER VD MORTEL


Hash Trash

  A Welshman and an Australian were out hillwalking when they see a ewe with its head stuck in the fence. Before the ozzie has a chance, the Welshman has dropped his pants and is rogering the ewe. He finishes up and turns to the Australian, "OK your turn", and with that the Ocker drops his pants and sticks his head in the fence.
Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God went missing for seven days. All the angels searched and eventually, Michael the archangel found him. He inquired of God, where were you? God sighed a deep sign of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, look on, look what I'm making . Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, what
is it? God replied it's a planet I m making and I m putting LIFE on it. I've named it Earth and there's going to be a balance between everything on it. For example, there‘s North America and South America.
North America is going to be rich and South America is going to be poor, and the narrow bit joining them - that s going to be a hot spot. Now look over here, I’ve put a continent of white people in the north and one of black people in the south .
The Archangel then said, and what’s that long white line there? God said proudly Ahhhh that’s New Zealand - the land of the long white cloud and that’s a very special place. That’s going to be the most glorious spot on earth; beautiful mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, and an exquisite coastline. These people here are going to be modest, intelligent and humorous and they’re going to be found travelling the world. They’ll be extremely sociable, hard working and high achieving. And, I’ m going to give them this superhuman, undefeatable rugby team which will be blessed with the most talented, and charismatic specimens on the planet and will be admired and feared by all who come across them .
Michael the Archangel gasped in wonder and admiration but then seemingly startled proclaimed: hold on a second, what about the BALANCE,  you said there was going to be a balance
God replied wisely, wait until you see the neighbours I'm going to give them .

What does an American say when he farts ?
Excuse Me
What does a British say when he farts ?
Pardon Me
What does a Singaporean say when he farts ?
Not Me
 27th February 1999
Miri HHH Chinese New Year ’99 Hash & Party
29-31 May 1999
Borneo Nash Hash, Tawau --- Reg. Rm150.00
29-31 October 1999
Pan Asia Hash 1999, Perth --- Reg. USD130.00 / A$180.00
25-27 February 2000
 Interhash 2000 Tasmania --- Reg. A$250.00

Copyright © 1999  Miri HHH. All Rights Reserved.