The Peril
2nd February 1999
MH3 Weakly Newsletter of Hash Indignties

Run: 1657 ( Tuesday )
Date: 26th January 1999
Location: 5 km PAST Bakam Turn-Off
Hares: Flesh Gordon, Michelle Trottle, Microhead & Squeeze
Location:  Anywhere past the Police Check-Point – they always are aren’t they?
I guess many of us headed off for the Ozzy Hash to really find what an Ozzy is made of (now that will be answered later). After all it was set by real Australians (We all know there’s no real Australian as they’re full of English, Scottish and Irish blood ties and to remove that from them means there’s not much Oz to survive on)
Now to get you in the mood for the Hash -twists, turns, false trails, stopping and dangerous over taking were all part of the drive there and that was just to set the scene. Marian Bottman in particular deserves the award for her careful driving skills. And it’s also fucking hilarious to see the way we all change our approach to driving from dangerous, to fucking dangerous, as we leave Miri behind us and nearly piss our pants from the experience. And who the hell was the bastard in the truck who tried to pass us all?
Once checked in and it was noticeable to see more people this week, simply I guess because of a 'T'shirt  –again surprising what slimy tight gits will do for a T shirt – Rub-A-Dub even came from Perth for one. (Or does she just commute here each Tuesday as she’s not missed a Miri Hash since she left.)
Now the hash (I’ve not done many)- just appears to be mainly full of Chinese people making the best possible use of English language;  e.g.
- At the start       “Come on you fuckers”
- Over the bridge      “Move it fuckers”
- Through the mud      “Bastards”
- Up the steep fucking muddy hill    “YOU fucking slow fuckers”
(and if you happen to be the slow fucker – ‘I was the slow fucker ‘–  it makes you want to kicker  the fucker with the big fucking mouth in the fucking head!)
- And when forced to miss out the short cut  “For fucks sake”
(fuck you Gordon)
- Finally completing the Hash     “That was fucking good”
Earns you all a Certificate in the English Fucking Language .
Now to get a degree you only have to attend the ‘On On’ – “Fucking Never Again”  I say after the amount of Down Downs I had to enjoy!
Now they say a person can be judged from the type of Hash they set
The Scots       -- are so fucking tight they’ll be few short cuts.
The English     -- have no fucking  idea who they are and therefore you’ll get lost, as they have no fucking idea where they are.
The Chinese    -- well they just FUCK off and leave you all behind
And well now
The Australians -- your hash was WET, MUDDY and FULL OF SHIT
Work it out for yourselves what an Australian is.

Hash Trash
With all these interesting poem that have been circulating around  in the e-mails these days, I thought it’s only appropriate that the Miri HHH share them as well.  Here they are;;
Roses are straight
Violets are twisted
Bend over, love
You're about to get fisted.
Roses are crap
Violets are wanky
Oooh I've just come
Pass me a hanky
Roses are stupid
Violets are silly
Grease up your flaps
Cos here comes my willy
Roses are awful
Violets are the pits
lift up your shirt
And show us your tits
Roses are crap
Violets are shit
Sit on my face
And wiggle a bit
Roses make me laugh
Violets make me titter
You're a dirty bitch
And you love it up the shitter
Roses are red
When in reality
sleeping with girls
don't beat bestiality !
Roses are red
but I like carnations
you're so crap in bed
that I fucked your alsatian
Roses are red
Violets are finer
Chickens are fowl
just like your Vagina
Roses are red
it's elementary
Let's ring up a friend
and try double entry
Roses are shit
Violets are crap
Show me yer clit
And I'll cum in yer lap
A wee bit of Scottish culture to brighten up your day. Robert Burns' oratory and prose skills are world renowned. As is his fondness for all things, well...If it moves...
These are a few extractions from his repertoire.
An hour or twa ago, puir thing,
Ye made a lassie's gled hert sing,
For then ye stuck oot firm and prood
An' put Jean Armour in the mood.
She doted on the love ye geid,
An' lost wi' glee her maidenheid.
Her comely thighs, her erse sae braw
Did answer mother nature's ca'.
She squirmit like a trimlin' jelly,
As ye went scuddin' up her belly.
Fu' prood she wis o' hard worked penis:
an' hoo ye jerked sae weel between us;
She lay there, gigglin' wi' pleasure;
Lie doon, and rest - ye've earned yer leisure.
For Ye geid yer a' tae satisfy
The urgent need o' Jean and I.
Still ye did a guid night's work;
Ye did yer duty, didnae shirk.
Noo, wee thing ye look sae sad,
You're just nae use tae Rabbie lad.
Ye're wabbit oot, an' saft as butter -
But hoo ye made Jean Armour splutter.
An' as I slowly puff my pipe
Ye look just like some wrinkled tripe.
Noo ma Bonnie Jean's gang hame
Tae hing her heid in sorry shame.
Ye ken gie weel ye did her wrang -
I kept ye in her far too lang,
An' noo we'll hae tae wait an' see
If Jean will hae a pregnancy.
Oh weel, we a' men, we tak oor chances,
Let's saunter doon tae Poosie Nansy's,
An' when I've had a dram or twa
I'll let ye piss agin' the wa'.
Maybe ye'll pardon my abuses
I realise ye've ither uses.
Penis breath, a lover's dread
Is what you get when you give head
Unpleasant as it tends to be
Be grateful that he doesn't pee
It's times like this, you wonder why
You bothered reaching for his fly
But it's too late, can't be a tease
Accept the fact, get on your knees
You know you've got a job to do
So open wide and shove it through
Lick the tip then take it all
Don't drag your teeth or he might bawl
Slide up and down, use your tongue
And feel the precum start to run
Your jaw it aches, your neck is numb
So when the fuck's he gonna cum
Just, when you can't take anymore
You hear your lover's might roar
And when he hits that real high note
You feel it oozing down your throat
Salty, fishy, sticky stuff
Okay already, that's enough
Let's switch you say, before you gag
And what revenge, you're on the rag.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
One day the seven dwarfs were coming home after a hard days work. As they approach the house, they hear some sounds coming from the garden. Their curiosity aroused, they stand on each others shoulders until finally one of them can see over the garden wall.
The dwarf at the top, sees Snowwhite and the prince sitting and talking in the garden.
He says to the dwarf who`s shoulder he is standing on, "Snow White is with the Prince"
This in turn gets passed down, dwarf to dwarf, "Snow White is with the Prince" "Snow White is with the Prince" "Snow White is with the Prince" "Snow White is....." (and so on) until it has reached all the dwarfs.
Then the dwarf at the top says: "They`re Kissing" Again the chain starts: "They`re Kissing" "They`re Kissing" "They`re Kissing" "They`re ......." "He`s taking off her clothes" "He`s taking off her clothes" "He`s taking off her clothes" "He`s taking off............" "They`re both nude now" "They`re both nude now" "They`re both nude now"
"They`re both........." "He`s about to enter her" "He`s about to enter her" "He`s about to enter her" "He`s about to.........."
At this point Snow White hears a sound near the wall, and so she gets up to investigate.
The dwarf at the top sees this and says: "She`s Coming" "So am I" "So am I" "So am I" "So am I" "So am I" "So am I"

 27th February 1999
Miri HHH Chinese New Year ’99 Hash & Party
29-31 May 1999
Borneo Nash Hash, Tawau --- Reg. Rm150.00
29-31 October 1999
Pan Asia Hash 1999, Perth --- Reg. USD130.00 / A$180.00
25-27 February 2000
 Interhash 2000 Tasmania --- Reg. A$250.00

Copyright © 1999  Miri HHH. All Rights Reserved.