A personal journey into and through the Craft

Merry Meet

This site is not meant as expert advice, nor has it been placed here to argue or upset non believers, nor to recruit, or to disavow your beliefs in your Supreme Being(s) It has been placed as a means to share information, and help clear up misconceptions. Just a few words, its big....its very big....as soon as your search begins you will find: No books in the library, no videos or audio cassettes as well, they're all checked out. Books you wish to own, require ordering at the bookstore. You are not evil. You do not worship evil or "anyone" represented as evil. If you cannot grasp the concept, think of Wicca and other modern day Pagan Sects or Religions as an Earth Centered Religion. Based on the Elemental Forces of Air, Water, Earth & Fire. With the firm belief that:

An It Harm None, Do As Thou Wilt

In other words, we don't harm others or ourselves, and if we were, the rule of threes comes into play where the action or act or spell or potion comes back on the initiator three fold. Although folks will laugh, raise eyebrows, be afraid, but aren't most afraid of the "unknown"?

You will find folks of various levels of professionalism and intellect and a variety as to race, and ethnicities involved. You have attained a hunger for your studies...and absolutely positively this is not a cult. No one recruited me, asked for the keys to my car or home, asked for Power of Attorney, keys to safety deposits, or co signers on accounts or loans. I recruited myself to be the very best I can be.

This site is a wee child as I.

So This Solitary Practitioner began her journey.

Brightest Blessings,



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