www.FreeTradeForever.com ------- Empirical Data on Free Trade, January 2006

The countries highlighted in the tables (Armenia, Barbados, etc.) are ones that most go against the general trend, which is generally higher GDP per capita among the more free-trade countries. The Bahamas might be the best example of a protectionist "success story." The sources of the data are Index of Economic Freedom and www.economist.com.

Countries ranked, from the most free-trade to the least.

TABLE 1: Ranked according to TRADE SCORE, column 4.
Ranked from lowest to highest (most free-trade to least). The scale is 1.0 - 5.0 (9 total rankings) -- countries are arranged alphabetically within each ranking -- each one in the same color group is of equal ranking to the others in that group. Farther down, in Tables 2 & 3, the countries are ranked according to the "weighted average tariff" for each.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Country GDP per capita quality-of-life index Trade Score weighted average tariff rate % weighted average tariff rate %
Hong Kong 27,114 018 1.0 00.0 00.0
Singapore 25,186 011 1.0 00.0 00.0
Botswana (SACU) 03,532 104 1.5 03.6 03.6
Chile 05,872 031 1.5 02.9 (2003) 03.7 (2004)
Armenia 00,884 085 2.0 02.2 02.5
Canada 24,568 014 2.0 00.9 01.1
Cyprus 12,647 023 2.0 05.73 05.73
Czech Republic (EU) 06,133 034 2.0 04.1 04.1
Estonia (EU) 07,475 068 2.0 00.053 00.053
Hungary (EU) 05,333 037 2.0 07.5 07.5
Israel 17,014 038 2.0 04.0 (1993) 02.0 (2003)
Japan 39,941 017 2.0 02.2 (2002) 02.4 (2004)
Malta (EU) 09,568 028 2.0 04.64 04.64
Norway (EU) 39,259 003 2.0 00.7 (2002) 00.4 (2004)
Poland (EU) 04,885 048 2.0 02.9 02.9
Slovak Republic (EU) 04,235 045 2.0 06.1 06.1
Switzerland 34,369 002 2.0 01.5 00.8
Taiwan 13,569 021 2.0 03.3 (2002) 01.64 (2004)
Turkey 03,082 050 2.0 04.5 (1999) 02.0 (2003)
United States 36,067 013 2.0 02.6 (2002) 01.8 (2004)
Australia 22,103 006 2.5 03.9 (2002) 03.8 (2004)
Bosnia & Herzegovina 01,225 094 2.5 04.9 06.6
Costa Rica 04,410 035 2.5 03.8 05.8
Croatia 04,751 049 2.5 09.8 (2001) 03.3 (2004)
El Salvador 02,129 056 2.5 06.1 (2001) 04.3 (2004)
Guatemala 01,675 090 2.5 05.8 (2001) 04.9 (2004)
Haiti 00,467 110 2.5 02.9 09.0
Iceland 32,758 007 2.5 03.4 03.4
Kuwait 16,738 055 2.5 03.9 (2002) 03.6 (2003)
Kyrgyz Republic 00,305 103 2.5 07.8 (2002) 04.3 (2003)
Lesotho (SACU) 00,530 ----- 2.5 03.6 03.6
Madagascar 00,233 ----- 2.5 03.6 02.9
Malaysia 04,011 036 2.5 04.6 (2001) 04.2 (2003)
Mexico 05,877 032 2.5 04.9 (2002) 04.2 (2004)
Moldova 00,370 099 2.5 02.8 03.9
Mongolia 00,424 ----- 2.5 04.0 04.0
Namibia (SACU) 01,845 ----- 2.5 03.6 03.6
New Zealand 19,243 015 2.5 02.8 (2002) 02.9 (2004)
Nicaragua 00,767 076 2.5 02.3 (2002) 03.7 (2004)
Philippines 01,047 044 2.5 02.8 (2002) 02.6 (2003)
South Africa (SACU) 03,026 092 2.5 03.6 03.6
Swaziland (SACU) 01,358 ---- 2.5 03.6 03.6
Trinidad & Tobago (CARICOM) 07,520 051 2.5 02.9 (2002) 04.9 (2003)
Turkmenistan 00,989 102 2.5 02.9 01.7
Ukraine 00,812 098 2.5 03.9 04.4
United Arab Emirates 19,717 069 2.5 04.0 05.0
Uruguay 05,235 046 2.5 06.5 (2001) 04.3 (2004)
Argentina 07,165 040 3.0 11.9 (2002) 06.3 (2004)
Azerbaijan 00,865 086 3.0 07.9 (2001) 06.2 (2002)
Bolivia 01,017 082 3.0 05.3 08.8
China 01,179 060 3.0 12.8 (2001) 06.0 (2004)
Indonesia 00,781 071 3.0 03.9 (2001) 05.2 (2003)
Lebanon 03,925 ----- 3.0 06.3 (2002) 08.0 (2005)
Panama 04,167 047 3.0 06.9 05.7
Paraguay 01,407 074 3.0 12.5 (2001) 05.2 (2004)
Qatar 30,013 041 3.0 05.2 04.2
Rwanda 00,260 ----- 3.0 06.6 06.6
Saudi Arabia 09,038 072 3.0 11.4 (2000) 07.3 (2004)
Sri Lanka 00,921 043 3.0 04.2 (2001) 06.8 (2004)
Tajikistan 00,208 107 3.0 07.1 (2002) 08.3 (2003)
Uganda 00,277 101 3.0 06.8 (2002) 05.5 (2004)
Uzbekistan 00,610 106 3.0 05.9 04.2
Angola 00,814 ----- 3.5 08.5 08.5
Bahrain 10,889 062 3.5 07.7 07.7
Belarus 01,513 100 3.5 08.9 08.0
Brazil 03,510 039 3.5 09.9 (2002) 08.0 (2004)
Bulgaria 01,835 057 3.5 01.5 (2002) 09.6 (2004)
Colombia 02,017 054 3.5 10.1 (2002) 09.6 (2004)
Cuba 02,516 ----- 3.5 09.9 09.4
Dominican Republic 02,413 079 3.5 10.1 (2001) 08.8 (2004)
Ecuador 01,368 052 3.5 10.5 (2002) 09.0 (2004)
Georgia 00,777 087 3.5 09.9 (1999) 08.7 (2004)
Honduras 00,927 091 3.5 07.3 (2001) 07.8 (2004)
Jamaica (CARICOM) 03,156 064 3.5 07.8 (2001) 09.8 (2003)
Kazakhstan 01,673 096 3.5 10.0 (2002) 07.9 (2004)
Korea, South 12,783 030 3.5 10.0 05.7
Macedonia 01,740 089 3.5 13.8 (2001) 08.1 (2004)
Mozambique 00,255 ----- 3.5 09.4 (2002) 09.9 (2003)
Peru 02,131 053 3.5 12.6 (2000) 08.9 (2004)
Romania 01,963 058 3.5 08.3 07.3
Russia 02,138 105 3.5 08.7 08.4
Senegal 00,485 ----- 3.5 08.4 (2002) 09.2 (2004)
Tanzania 00,309 109 3.5 15.4 (2000) 08.2 (2003)
Thailand 02,276 042 3.5 08.7 (2001) 08.3 (2003)
Togo (WAEMU) 00,292 ----- 3.5 11.5 (2002) 14.0 (2004)
Zambia 00,354 ----- 3.5 08.4 (2001) 09.4 (2003)
Albania 01,392 078 4.0 11.3 12.4
Algeria 01,916 081 4.0 15.3 (2002) 12.0 (2003)
Barbados (CARICOM) 09,256 033 4.0 16.5 16.5
Burkina Faso 00,253 ----- 4.0 11.4 11.4
Cambodia 00,313 ----- 4.0 15.8 16.5
Fiji 02,328 ----- 4.0 12.4 12.4
Guyana (CARICOM) 00.942 ----- 4.0 10.6 10.6
Ivory Coast (WAEMU) 00,597 ----- 4.0 12.0 (2002) 10.7 (2004)
Jordan 01,801 075 4.0 11.3 (2002) 11.4 (2003)
Kenya 00,341 ----- 4.0 14.4 (2002) 10.3 (2004)
Malawi 00,157 ----- 4.0 10.2 12.5
Mali (WAEMU) 00,258 ----- 4.0 11.4 (2002) 10.6 (2004)
Mauritania 00,372 ----- 4.0 11.2 09.0
Suriname (CARICOM) 02,257 ----- 4.0 11.7 11.7
Venezuela 04,009 059 4.0 11.3 (2000) 11.0 (2004)
Yemen 00,553 ----- 4.0 11.7 (2000) 12.6 (2003)
Belize (CARICOM) 03,635 ----- 4.5 13.3 13.3
Benin (WAEMU) 00,392 ----- 4.5 12.7 15.5
Burundi 00,100 ----- 4.5 14.5 23.5
Chad 00,218 ----- 4.5 14.0 14.2
Egypt 01,622 080 4.5 13.7 13.4
Equatorial Guinea 03,716 ----- 4.5 14.0 14.0
Ethiopia 00,102 ----- 4.5 16.5 (2001) 13.5 (2002)
Gabon (CEMAC) 03,865 ----- 4.5 14.9 15.8
Gambia 00,324 ----- 4.5 12.7 12.7
Ghana 00,276 095 4.5 09.5 (2000) 14.8 (2004)
Guinea-Bissau (WAEMU) 00,135 ----- 4.5 14.3 (2001) 13.6 (2004)
Iran 01,715 088 4.5 03.1 (2000) 14.8 (2004)
Laos 00,352 ----- 4.5 13.5 12.2
Mauritius 04,167 ----- 4.5 13.0 (2002) 15.8 (2005)
Niger (WAEMU) 00,178 ----- 4.5 14.1 (2002) 13.7 (2004)
Oman 07,876 067 4.5 13.6 06.7
Pakistan 00,546 093 4.5 15.2 (2002) 13.0 (2004)
Sierra Leone 00,141 ----- 4.5 15.9 (2002) 13.3 (2004)
Vietnam 00,470 061 4.5 17.4 (2001) 13.7 (2004)
Bahamas 16,067 ----- 5.0 34.0 34.0
Bangladesh 00,395 077 5.0 15.9 15.9
Burma (Myanmar) 00,154 ----- 5.0 37.0 ? 03.9 or 04.55 ?
Cameroon 00,634 ----- 5.0 15.1 15.8
Cape Verde 01,290 ----- 5.0 31.0 (2002) 24.4 (2003)
Central African Rep. 00,229 ----- 5.0 17.9 20.0
Congo Repub (CEMAC) 00,943 ----- 5.0 17.8 18.0
Djibouti 00,848 ----- 5.0 21.0 21.0
Guinea 00,431 ----- 5.0 18.6 13.9
India 00,511 073 5.0 21.0 (2001) 28.0 (2004)
Korea, North ----- ----- 5.0 ----- -----
Libya 04,083 070 5.0 25.2 15.9
Morocco 01,278 065 5.0 28.2 (2002) 24.9 (2003)
Nepal 00,241 ----- 5.0 14.3 (2002) 15.6 (2004)
Nigeria 00,357 108 5.0 16.9 15.8
Syria 01,135 097 5.0 15.5 (2002) 35.0 (2003)
Tunisia 02,214 083 5.0 23.2 27.4
Zimbabwe 00,351 111 5.0 12.0 (2001) 18.9 (2002)

Click here for a summary analysis of Table 1 (above) and numbers breakdown to better illustrate the relation of more free trade to higher GDP and higher quality of life.

Miscellaneous non-rated countries:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Country GDP per capita quality-of-life index Trade Score weighted average tariff rate % weighted average tariff rate %
Congo Dem. Rep. 00,087 ----- ----- 12.6 15.6
Iraq ----- ----- ----- 05.0 05.0
Serbia & Montenegro ----- 094 ----- ----- -----
Sudan ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
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Only seven European Union countries are ranked in tables 1-3. The others are listed here alphabetically for reference:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Country GDP per capita quality-of-life index Trade Score weighted average tariff rate % weighted average tariff rate %
Austria (EU) 24,756 020 2.0 2.4 1.3
Belgium (EU) 23,211 024 2.0 2.4 1.3
Denmark (EU) 30,828 009 2.0 2.4 1.3
Finland (EU) 25,288 012 2.0 2.4 1.3
France (EU) 22,723 025 2.0 2.4 1.3
Germany (EU) 23,002 026 2.0 2.4 1.3
Greece (EU) 12,128 022 2.0 2.4 1.3
Ireland (EU) 28,762 001 2.0 2.4 1.3
Italy (EU) 18,932 008 2.0 2.4 1.3
Latvia (EU) 04,116 066 2.0 2.4 1.3
Lithuania (EU) 04,078 063 2.0 2.4 1.3
Luxembourg (EU) 47,505 004 2.0 2.4 1.3
Netherlands (EU) 23,319 016 2.0 2.4 1.3
Portugal (EU) 10,398 019 2.0 2.4 1.3
Slovenia (EU) 10,411 027 2.0 2.4 1.3
Spain (EU) 14,709 010 2.0 2.4 1.3
Sweden (EU) 28,471 005 2.0 2.4 1.3
United Kingdom (EU) 26,391 029 2.0 2.4 1.3
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TABLE 2: ranking of countries according to weighted average tariff (column 5)

1 2 3 4 5 6
Country GDP per capita quality-of-life index Trade Score weighted average tariff rate % weighted average tariff rate %
Hong Kong 27,114 018 1.0 00.0 00.0
Singapore 25,186 011 1.0 00.0 00.0
Estonia (EU) 07,475 068 2.0 00.053 00.053
Norway (EU) 39,259 003 2.0 00.7 (2002) 00.4 (2004)
Canada 24,568 014 2.0 00.9 01.1
Bulgaria 01,835 057 3.5 01.5 (2002) 09.6 (2004)
Switzerland 34,369 002 2.0 01.5 00.8
Armenia 00,884 085 2.0 02.2 02.5
Japan 39,941 017 2.0 02.2 (2002) 02.4 (2004)
Nicaragua 00,767 076 2.5 02.3 (2002) 03.7 (2004)
United States 36,067 013 2.0 02.6 (2002) 01.8 (2004)
Moldova 00,370 099 2.5 02.8 03.9
New Zealand 19,243 015 2.5 02.8 (2002) 02.9 (2004)
Philippines 01,047 044 2.5 02.8 (2002) 02.6 (2003)
Chile 05,872 031 1.5 02.9 (2003) 03.7 (2004)
Haiti 00,467 110 2.5 02.9 09.0
Poland (EU) 04,885 048 2.0 02.9 02.9
Trinidad & Tobago (CARICOM) 07,520 051 2.5 02.9 (2002) 04.9 (2003)
Turkmenistan 00,989 102 2.5 02.9 01.7
Iran 01,715 088 4.5 03.1 (2000) 14.8 (2004)
Taiwan 13,569 021 2.0 03.3 (2002) 01.64 (2004)
Iceland 32,758 007 2.5 03.4 03.4
Botswana (SACU) 03,532 104 1.5 03.6 03.6
Lesotho (SACU) 00,530 ----- 2.5 03.6 03.6
Madagascar 00,233 ----- 2.5 03.6 02.9
Namibia (SACU) 01,845 ----- 2.5 03.6 03.6
South Africa (SACU) 03,026 092 2.5 03.6 03.6
Swaziland (SACU) 01,358 ----- 2.5 03.6 03.6
Costa Rica 04,410 035 2.5 03.8 05.8
Australia 22,103 006 2.5 03.9 (2002) 03.8 (2004)
Indonesia 00,781 071 3.0 03.9 (2001) 05.2 (2003)
Kuwait 16,738 055 2.5 03.9 (2002) 03.6 (2003)
Ukraine 00,812 098 2.5 03.9 04.4
Israel 17,014 038 2.0 04.0 (1993) 02.0 (2003)
Mongolia 00,424 ----- 2.5 04.0 04.0
United Arab Emirates 19,717 069 2.5 04.0 05.0
Czech Republic (EU) 06,133 034 2.0 04.1 04.1
Sri Lanka 00,921 043 3.0 04.2 (2001) 06.8 (2004)
Turkey 03,082 050 2.0 04.5 (1999) 02.0 (2003)
Malaysia 04,011 036 2.5 04.6 (2001) 04.2 (2003)
Malta (EU) 09,568 028 2.0 04.64 04.64
Bosnia & Herzegovina 01,225 094 2.5 04.9 06.6
Mexico 05,877 032 2.5 04.9 (2002) 04.2 (2004)
Iraq ----- ----- ----- 05.0 05.0
Qatar 30,013 041 3.0 05.2 04.2
Bolivia 01,017 082 3.0 05.3 08.8
Cyprus 12,647 023 2.0 05.73 05.73
Guatemala 01,675 090 2.5 05.8 (2001) 04.9 (2004)
Uzbekistan 00,610 106 3.0 05.9 04.2
El Salvador 02,129 056 2.5 06.1 (2001) 04.3 (2004)
Slovak Republic (EU) 04,235 045 2.0 06.1 06.1
Lebanon 03,925 ----- 3.0 06.3 (2002) 08.0 (2005)
Uruguay 05,235 046 2.5 06.5 (2001) 04.3 (2004)
Rwanda 00,260 ----- 3.0 06.6 06.6
Uganda 00,277 101 3.0 06.8 (2002) 05.5 (2004)
Panama 04,167 047 3.0 06.9 05.7
Tajikistan 00,208 107 3.0 07.1 (2002) 08.3 (2003)
Honduras 00,927 091 3.5 07.3 (2001) 07.8 (2004)
Hungary (EU) 05,333 037 2.0 07.5 07.5
Bahrain 10,889 062 3.5 07.7 07.7
Jamaica (CARICOM) 03,156 064 3.5 07.8 (2001) 09.8 (2003)
Kyrgyz Republic 00,305 103 2.5 07.8 (2002) 04.3 (2003)
Azerbaijan 00,865 086 3.0 07.9 (2001) 06.2 (2002)
Romania 01,963 058 3.5 08.3 07.3
Senegal 00,485 ----- 3.5 08.4 (2002) 09.2 (2004)
Zambia 00,354 ----- 3.5 08.4 (2001) 09.4 (2003)
Angola 00,814 ----- 3.5 08.5 08.5
Russia 02,138 105 3.5 08.7 08.4
Thailand 02,276 042 3.5 08.7 (2001) 08.3 (2003)
Belarus 01,513 100 3.5 08.9 08.0
Mozambique 00,255 ----- 3.5 09.4 (2002) 09.9 (2003)
Ghana 00,276 095 4.5 09.5 (2000) 14.8 (2004)
Croatia 04,751 049 2.5 09.8 (2001) 03.3 (2004)
Brazil 03,510 039 3.5 09.9 (2002) 08.0 (2004)
Cuba 02,516 ----- 3.5 09.9 09.4
Georgia 00,777 087 3.5 09.9 (1999) 08.7 (2004)
Kazakhstan 01,673 096 3.5 10.0 (2002) 07.9 (2004)
Korea, South 12,783 030 3.5 10.0 05.7
Colombia 02,017 054 3.5 10.1 (2002) 09.6 (2004)
Dominican Republic 02,413 079 3.5 10.1 (2001) 08.8 (2004)
Malawi 00,157 ----- 4.0 10.2 12.5
Ecuador 01,368 052 3.5 10.5 (2002) 09.0 (2004)
Guyana (CARICOM) 00,942 ----- 4.0 10.6 10.6
Mauritania 00,372 ----- 4.0 11.2 09.0
Albania 01,392 078 4.0 11.3 12.4
Jordan 01,801 075 4.0 11.3 (2002) 11.4 (2003)
Venezuela 04,009 059 4.0 11.3 (2000) 11.0 (2004)
Burkina Faso 00,253 ----- 4.0 11.4 11.4
Mali (WAEMU) 00,258 ----- 4.0 11.4 (2002) 10.6 (2004)
Saudi Arabia 09,038 072 3.0 11.4 (2000) 07.3 (2004)
Togo (WAEMU) 00,292 ----- 3.5 11.5 (2002) 14.0 (2004)
Suriname (CARICOM) 02,257 ----- 4.0 11.7 11.7
Yemen 00,553 ----- 4.0 11.7 (2000) 12.6 (2003)
Argentina 07,165 040 3.0 11.9 (2002) 06.3 (2004)
Ivory Coast (WAEMU) 00,597 ----- 4.0 12.0 (2002) 10.7 (2004)
Zimbabwe 00,351 111 5.0 12.0 (2001) 18.9 (2002)
Fiji 02,328 ----- 4.0 12.4 12.4
Paraguay 01,407 074 3.0 12.5 (2001) 05.2 (2004)
Congo Dem. Rep. 00,087 ----- ----- 12.6 15.6
Peru 02,131 053 3.5 12.6 (2000) 08.9 (2004)
Benin (WAEMU) 00,392 ----- 4.5 12.7 15.5
Gambia 00,324 ----- 4.5 12.7 12.7
China 01,179 060 3.0 12.8 (2001) 06.0 (2004)
Mauritius 04,167 ----- 4.5 13.0 (2002) 15.8 (2005)
Belize (CARICOM) 03,635 ----- 4.5 13.3 13.3
Laos 00,352 ----- 4.5 13.5 12.2
Oman 07,876 067 4.5 13.6 06.7
Egypt 01,622 080 4.5 13.7 13.4
Macedonia 01,740 089 3.5 13.8 (2001) 08.1 (2004)
Chad 00,218 ----- 4.5 14.0 14.2
Equatorial Guinea 03,716 ----- 4.5 14.0 14.0
Niger (WAEMU) 00,178 ----- 4.5 14.1 (2002) 13.7 (2004)
Guinea-Bissau (WAEMU) 00,135 ----- 4.5 14.3 (2001) 13.6 (2004)
Nepal 00,241 ----- 5.0 14.3 (2002) 15.6 (2004)
Kenya 00,341 ----- 4.0 14.4 (2002) 10.3 (2004)
Burundi 00,100 ----- 4.5 14.5 23.5
Gabon (CEMAC) 03,865 ----- 4.5 14.9 15.8
Cameroon 00,634 ----- 5.0 15.1 15.8
Pakistan 00,546 093 4.5 15.2 (2002) 13.0 (2004)
Algeria 01,916 081 4.0 15.3 (2002) 12.0 (2003)
Tanzania 00,309 109 3.5 15.4 (2000) 08.2 (2003)
Syria 01,135 097 5.0 15.5 (2002) 35.0 (2003)
Cambodia 00,313 ----- 4.0 15.8 16.5
Bangladesh 00,395 077 5.0 15.9 15.9
Sierra Leone 00,141 ----- 4.5 15.9 (2002) 13.3 (2004)
Barbados (CARICOM) 09,256 033 4.0 16.5 16.5
Ethiopia 00,102 ----- 4.5 16.5 (2001) 13.5 (2002)
Nigeria 00,357 108 5.0 16.9 15.8
Vietnam 00,470 061 4.5 17.4 (2001) 13.7 (2004)
Congo Repub (CEMAC) 00,943 ----- 5.0 17.8 18.0
Central African Rep. 00,229 ----- 5.0 17.9 20.0
Guinea 00,431 ----- 5.0 18.6 13.9
Djibouti 00,848 ----- 5.0 21.0 21.0
India 00,511 073 5.0 21.0 (2001) 28.0 (2004)
Tunisia 02,214 083 5.0 23.2 27.4
Libya 04,083 070 5.0 25.2 15.9
Morocco 01,278 065 5.0 28.2 (2002) 24.9 (2003)
Cape Verde 01,290 ----- 5.0 31.0 (2002) 24.4 (2003)
Bahamas 16,067 ----- 5.0 34.0 34.0
Burma (Myanmar) 00,154 ----- 5.0 37.0 ? 03.9 or 04.55 ?

Click here for a summary analysis of Table 2 (above) and numbers breakdown to better illustrate the relation of more free trade to higher GDP and higher quality of life.


Ranked according to weighted average tariff, column 6, from lowest to highest (from the most free-trade to the least). The difference between this table and the previous is that Table 2 ranks countries according to the data from column 5, while the following table ranks them according to the data from column 6. The results are similar, but there are some discrepancies, Burma (Myanmar) being an extreme case.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Country GDP per capita quality-of-life index Trade Score weighted average tariff rate % weighted average tariff rate %
Hong Kong 27,114 018 1.0 00.0 00.0
Singapore 25,186 011 1.0 00.0 00.0
Estonia (EU) 07,475 068 2.0 00.053 00.053
Norway (EU) 39,259 003 2.0 00.7 (2002) 00.4 (2004)
Switzerland 34,369 002 2.0 01.5 00.8
Canada 24,568 014 2.0 00.9 01.1
Taiwan 13,569 021 2.0 03.3 (2002) 01.64 (2004)
Turkmenistan 00,989 102 2.5 02.9 01.7
United States 36,067 013 2.0 02.6 (2002) 01.8 (2004)
Israel 17,014 038 2.0 04.0 (1993) 02.0 (2003)
Turkey 03,082 050 2.0 04.5 (1999) 02.0 (2003)
Japan 39,941 017 2.0 02.2 (2002) 02.4 (2004)
Armenia 00,884 085 2.0 02.2 02.5
Philippines 01,047 044 2.5 02.8 (2002) 02.6 (2003)
Madagascar 00,233 ----- 2.5 03.6 02.9
New Zealand 19,243 015 2.5 02.8 (2002) 02.9 (2004)
Poland (EU) 04,885 048 2.0 02.9 02.9
Croatia 04,751 049 2.5 09.8 (2001) 03.3 (2004)
Iceland 32,758 007 2.5 03.4 03.4
Botswana (SACU) 03,532 104 1.5 03.6 03.6
Kuwait 16,738 055 2.5 03.9 (2002) 03.6 (2003)
Lesotho (SACU) 00,530 ----- 2.5 03.6 03.6
Namibia (SACU) 01,845 ----- 2.5 03.6 03.6
South Africa (SACU) 03,026 092 2.5 03.6 03.6
Swaziland (SACU) 01,358 ----- 2.5 03.6 03.6
Chile 05,872 031 1.5 02.9 (2003) 03.7 (2004)
Nicaragua 00,767 076 2.5 02.3 (2002) 03.7 (2004)
Australia 22,103 006 2.5 03.9 (2002) 03.8 (2004)
Moldova 00,370 099 2.5 02.8 03.9
Mongolia 00,424 ----- 2.5 04.0 04.0
Czech Republic (EU) 06,133 034 2.0 04.1 04.1
Burma (Myanmar) 00,154 ----- 5.0 37.0 ? 03.9 or 04.55 ?
Malaysia 04,011 036 2.5 04.6 (2001) 04.2 (2003)
Mexico 05,877 032 2.5 04.9 (2002) 04.2 (2004)
Qatar 30,013 041 3.0 05.2 04.2
Uzbekistan 00,610 106 03.0 04.2 04.2
El Salvador 02,129 056 2.5 06.1 (2001) 04.3 (2004)
Kyrgyz Republic 00,305 103 2.5 07.8 (2002) 04.3 (2003)
Uruguay 05,235 046 2.5 06.5 (2001) 04.3 (2004)
Ukraine 00,812 098 2.5 03.9 04.4
Malta (EU) 09,568 028 2.0 04.64 04.64
Guatemala 01,675 090 2.5 05.8 (2001) 04.9 (2004)
Trinidad & Tobago (CARICOM) 07,520 051 2.5 02.9 (2002) 04.9 (2003)
Iraq ----- ----- ----- 05.0 05.0
United Arab Emirates 19,717 069 2.5 04.0 05.0
Indonesia 00,781 071 3.0 03.9 (2001) 05.2 (2003)
Paraguay 01,407 074 3.0 12.5 (2001) 05.2 (2004)
Uganda 00,277 101 3.0 06.8 (2002) 05.5 (2004)
Korea, South 12,783 030 3.5 10.0 05.7
Panama 04,167 047 3.0 06.9 05.7
Cyprus 12,647 023 2.0 05.73 05.73
Costa Rica 04,410 035 2.5 03.8 05.8
China 01,179 060 3.0 12.8 (2001) 06.0 (2004)
Slovak Republic (EU) 04,235 045 2.0 06.1 06.1
Azerbaijan 00,865 086 3.0 07.9 (2001) 06.2 (2002)
Argentina 07,165 040 3.0 11.9 (2002) 06.3 (2004)
Bosnia & Herzegovina 01,225 094 2.5 04.9 06.6
Rwanda 00,260 ----- 3.0 06.6 06.6
Oman 07,876 067 4.5 13.6 06.7
Sri Lanka 00,921 043 3.0 04.2 (2001) 06.8 (2004)
Romania 01,963 058 3.5 08.3 07.3
Saudi Arabia 09,038 072 3.0 11.4 (2000) 07.3 (2004)
Hungary (EU) 05,333 037 2.0 07.5 07.5
Bahrain 10,889 062 3.5 07.7 07.7
Honduras 00,927 091 3.5 07.3 (2001) 07.8 (2004)
Kazakhstan 01,673 096 3.5 10.0 (2002) 07.9 (2004)
Belarus 01,513 100 3.5 08.9 08.0
Brazil 03,510 039 3.5 09.9 (2002) 08.0 (2004)
Lebanon 03,925 ----- 3.0 06.3 (2002) 08.0 (2005)
Macedonia 01,740 089 3.5 13.8 (2001) 08.1 (2004)
Tanzania 00,309 109 3.5 15.4 (2000) 08.2 (2003)
Tajikistan 00,208 107 3.0 07.1 (2002) 08.3 (2003)
Thailand 02,276 042 3.5 08.7 (2001) 08.3 (2003)
Russia 02,138 105 3.5 08.7 08.4
Angola 00,814 ----- 3.5 08.5 08.5
Georgia 00,777 087 3.5 09.9 (1999) 08.7 (2004)
Bolivia 01,017 082 3.0 05.3 08.8
Dominican Republic 02,413 079 3.5 10.1 (2001) 08.8 (2004)
Peru 02,131 053 3.5 12.6 (2000) 08.9 (2004)
Ecuador 01,368 052 3.5 10.5 (2002) 09.0 (2004)
Haiti 00,467 110 2.5 02.9 09.0
Mauritania 00,372 ----- 4.0 11.2 09.0
Senegal 00,485 ----- 3.5 08.4 (2002) 09.2 (2004)
Cuba 02,516 ----- 3.5 09.9 09.4
Zambia 00,354 ----- 3.5 08.4 (2001) 09.4 (2003)
Bulgaria 01,835 057 3.5 01.5 (2002) 09.6 (2004)
Colombia 02,017 054 3.5 10.1 (2002) 09.6 (2004)
Jamaica (CARICOM) 03,156 064 3.5 07.8 (2001) 09.8 (2003)
Mozambique 00,255 ----- 3.5 09.4 (2002) 09.9 (2003)
Kenya 00,341 ----- 4.0 14.4 (2002) 10.3 (2004)
Guyana (CARICOM) 00,942 ----- 4.0 10.6 10.6
Mali (WAEMU) 00,258 ----- 4.0 11.4 (2002) 10.6 (2004)
Ivory Coast (WAEMU) 00,597 ----- 4.0 12.0 (2002) 10.7 (2004)
Venezuela 04,009 059 4.0 11.3 (2000) 11.0 (2004)
Burkina Faso 00,253 ----- 4.0 11.4 11.4
Jordan 01,801 075 4.0 11.3 (2002) 11.4 (2003)
Suriname (CARICOM) 02,257 ----- 4.0 11.7 11.7
Algeria 01,916 081 4.0 15.3 (2002) 12.0 (2003)
Laos 00,352 ----- 4.5 13.5 12.2
Albania 01,392 078 4.0 11.3 12.4
Fiji 02,328 ----- 4.0 12.4 12.4
Malawi 00,157 ----- 4.0 10.2 12.5
Yemen 00,553 ----- 4.0 11.7 (2000) 12.6 (2003)
Gambia 00,324 ----- 4.5 12.7 12.7
Pakistan 00,546 093 4.5 15.2 (2002) 13.0 (2004)
Belize (CARICOM) 03,635 ----- 4.5 13.3 13.3
Sierra Leone 00,141 ----- 4.5 15.9 (2002) 13.3 (2004)
Egypt 01,622 080 4.5 13.7 13.4
Ethiopia 00,102 ----- 4.5 16.5 (2001) 13.5 (2002)
Guinea-Bissau (WAEMU) 00,135 ----- 4.5 14.3 (2001) 13.6 (2004)
Niger (WAEMU) 00,178 ----- 4.5 14.1 (2002) 13.7 (2004)
Vietnam 00,470 061 4.5 17.4 (2001) 13.7 (2004)
Guinea 00,431 ----- 5.0 18.6 13.9
Equatorial Guinea 03,716 ----- 4.5 14.0 14.0
Togo (WAEMU) 00,292 ----- 3.5 11.5 (2002) 14.0 (2004)
Chad 00,218 ----- 4.5 14.0 14.2
Ghana 00,276 095 4.5 09.5 (2000) 14.8 (2004)
Iran 01,715 088 4.5 03.1 (2000) 14.8 (2004)
Benin (WAEMU) 00,392 ----- 4.5 12.7 15.5
Congo Dem. Rep. 00,087 ----- ----- 12.6 15.6
Nepal 00,241 ----- 5.0 14.3 (2002) 15.6 (2004)
Cameroon 00,634 ----- 5.0 15.1 15.8
Gabon (CEMAC) 03,865 ----- 4.5 14.9 15.8
Mauritius 04,167 ----- 4.5 13.0 (2002) 15.8 (2005)
Nigeria 00,357 108 5.0 16.9 15.8
Bangladesh 00,395 077 5.0 15.9 15.9
Libya 04,083 070 5.0 25.2 15.9
Barbados (CARICOM) 09,256 033 4.0 16.5 16.5
Cambodia 00,313 ----- 4.0 15.8 16.5
Congo Repub (CEMAC) 00,943 ----- 5.0 17.8 18.0
Zimbabwe 00,351 111 5.0 12.0 (2001) 18.9 (2002)
Central African Rep. 00,229 ----- 5.0 17.9 20.0
Djibouti 00,848 ----- 5.0 21.0 21.0
Burundi 00,100 ----- 4.5 14.5 23.5
Cape Verde 01,290 ----- 5.0 31.0 (2002) 24.4 (2003)
Morocco 01,278 065 5.0 28.2 (2002) 24.9 (2003)
Tunisia 02,214 083 5.0 23.2 27.4
India 00,511 073 5.0 21.0 (2001) 28.0 (2004)
Bahamas 16,067 ----- 5.0 34.0 34.0
Syria 01,135 097 5.0 15.5 (2002) 35.0 (2003)

Click here for a summary analysis of Table 3 (above) and numbers breakdown to better illustrate the relation of more free trade to higher GDP and higher quality of life.
