Sex and Wicca

Sex and Wicca

This section of my site is made to clear up common misconcetion about
where sex stands in wicca. The joys of sex is ruled together by the God
and Goddess. It is a beutiful thing and not something to be ashamed of.
In other religions it has been stated that same sex relationships are wrong
or sinful. This is not the case with wicca. Homosexuals, Lesbians, and
Bisexuals are not condemed for how they feel or who they love. The act
of making Love is still as strong, right, and beutiful as it is with Hetrosexual
people. Don't misunderstand what I am saying, even though sex is a form of
worship unto the God and Goddess it is not nessarry at all. You can worship
them in other ways and be a powerful witch,but be solebit. Also don't think
this means go have sex with anyone willing to participate either. You have to
remember that this is the 90's and there are lots of deasies you can still catch.
Also remeber that not all of the things you can catch have herbs that will
cure them. Here is a small may come across imposters who will
say they are wiccan and then wil tell you in order to worship you might have to
have sex with them. Remeber they are wrong and are lieing . That is why I call
them imposters.

In all of this please remember that no matter what you must
always take care of your self.