The Terror Of Salem
The Terror Of The Hunts Told Here
The Witch Hunts
It is best estimated that possably 200,000 people were condemed to death from the hunts not to mention if you count the inqusition it hits numbers like 9,000,000 people die before the massucure finished it's run through France, Italy, Germany, Spain, England, Scotland, Austria, Norway, Finland, Sweden and eventually Salem Mass.
That is just to give you an idea of how wide spread this mass hystaria was. This rane of terror lasted around 400 years. In most of the other contries if you cofessed you would be given a fast an pain less death, but if you were to say not guilty or you retracked your confession you would be burned alive with green wood which burns slower and hotter. It was said to be the worst in Germany when at on time 300 children from the age of three to four were accused of having sex with satan!! They were just babies. There are also records of the youngest "witch" to be killed was seven years old. It was not uncommon to see children ages of 10,11,12, and 13 to be senteced and killed at this time.
1692 Is when the hystaira hit Salem. 9 year old Elizibeth Parris and 11 year old Abigail Williams(who were cousins) started suffring convolsive fits and screaming blasphies. Today we would call this a temper tantrum, but back then they were under the devils spell.
When pressured and questioned about there behavior they named a woman Tituba(a west indian woman who had told them of stories about voodoo rituals) as a witch.They also named Sarah Good and Sarah Osborn(both women were not liked in th comuity) The young girls started liking the idea of having this power so they named more people rich and respectable and the poor and dispised. So that was the start of the witch hystiara. In less then a year 13 women and 6 men were executed and two more people died in jail. Many accused in Salem confessed because unlike the other witch hunts if you confessed your life was spared.
I have placed this heart on my page to show that I have not forgotten what happened to those who died for what we belive in if you have your page please feel free to place this heart on your page as well show that you have not forgotten those fallen Thank you

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