Oh, Great Goddess of the Land
That lies yet once again in conflict,
Soaked in blood and sorrow for 600 years,
Hear our prayer for peace.
Lady Slava, sacred Bird Goddess,
Who holds all the Gods Between Her wings,
Symbol of Old Europe flying overhead,
Let the hurts of the centuries begin to heal,
Let the stories mothers tell their children
Be of hope and growth, not hate and killing.
Blessed Virgin of Medjugorje,
Bring holy healing in Your hands
For wounds of spirit and lost hope,
As well as body, limbs, and mind;
Put your loving arms around the
Victims of the power-hungry warlords.
Great Fatimah, Daughter of the Prophet,
You who understand the sanctity of family,
Let Your strong Hand protect the innocent.
Grant them compassion, hope, and mercy;
Return them to their homes and families
So joy and love can replace terror and blood.
In this time of Spring's renewal
And Divine Resurrection,
We pray for peace and justice
For all the Balkan peoples.
Blessed Be!
Judith Brownlee
Easter, 1999
This was sent to me by my friend Lady Teal!
c 1999 Judith Brownlee
This Invocation may be reproduced and distributed exactly as is, without
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Changes in the text, however, must be approved in advance by the author.