Moon Phases and NamesMoon phases
There is much infasis placed on the Moon as the Great Mother Goddess and many traditionssee Her as so. She is seen as a trinity through the phases of the Moon, and Her aspects are what we work with when in rituals or in working spells.
The Full Moon is the time when all rituals to connect with the Deity of the Wicca and Wicce. These rituals are not limited to that one day, though. They can be done a few days before or after the Full Moon. During the Full Moon, if working a spell, let it be one you truly desire.
The Full Moon is the Great Mother Goddess in the aspect of the Mother.
The Waning Moon is the phase when the Full Moon is building down to the New Moon. Rituals and spells done during this phase are ones that banish unwanted influences, emotions and situations from your life.
The Great Mother Goddess is seen here in Her Crone aspect.
The New Moon is not connected with the Great Mother Goddess, but of the death and rebirth aspect of the God. Rituals and spells done on this night are ones for starting anew, being reborn. Rebirth may be in the sense of a new job, a new situation, starting over after a bad relationship has ended and so on.
The Waxing Moon is the phase of the Moon when the New Moon is building up to the Full Moon. Rituals and spells done during this phase are ones that are "building" to a positive situation. Most spells are done during this phase.
The Great Mother Goddess is seen in Her Maiden aspect during this Moon phase.

I found these explanation to the moon phases on the web but forget where so If you know where please let me know so I can give credit :-)
Moon Names
Each moon has its own name so here the are listed bye month.
January Wolf Moon
Febuary Storm Moon
March Chaste Moon
April Seed Moon
May Hare Moon
June Dyad(pair) Moon
July Mead Moon
August Wyrt (green plant) Moon
September Barley Moon
October Blood Moon
November Snow Moon
December Oak Moon
Blue Moon is when a full moon apears in the same month. There is also the Harvest Moon Which is what ever moon falls closest to Mabon.