Well Here's A Little Info On Me

Let's see incase you haven't noticed I am a Solitary Wiccan Witch for now(I am looking at a very nice coven). I am Raven Storm. I'm 20 years old, married with two wonderful children. I work like everyone else. My place of work is a Fast food place in no where ville Indiana. My husband ZeroFire
is 24 year old computer tech. My oldest child,my son, Cody is four and in preschool now. My daughter Jazmine is two and full of energy *sighs*
I would like to take the time to mention my new dear friend Silver Wind. She and I are very much a like so If you like what you have seen here check out her page the link is on my home page.

Here is a small up date I Meet Silver Wind,Teal, And Glacier...I wanted to let the world know that They are all wonderful!! I see A long Term relatinship with all three of them. You can also find Teals page on my home page as well!
*Happy Dance*

Later I will add pictures of everyone so deal with the picture of the goddess for now. :-)