

Below are some of my views on the goddess they are not by far the only views and you should not hold these as the only way to see her!

The Goddess is the Universal Mother. As I mentioned on my home page the three asspects of the goddess are the maiden,the mother,and the crone (waxing, full, and wanning moon)
She gives birth and abundance, but her life is a gift. She lends it with the promise death. Now you are probly thinking dark, evil,but it's not. Nature is beautiful and desater all in one and the Goddess is nature. Look at it this way it's not dark...Death is a break from the heavyness of physical existance. A break between Incarnations. Wiccans see her as fertility,love,and abundance, although they do see and know her (for lack of a better word) "darker side". We see her in the Moon, Sea, and the first spring flower.

She has domain over the moon ,water and earth.

No matter how we envision her she is omnipresent,changeless, and eternal. See her for what she is.

I will add more stuff as time goes on this is just something to get started with.