Raven's Wiccan World

Thank you for taking a look at my Web page.
The first thing I would like to clear up is that Wiccans/Pagans are Not. The truth be told we dont even belive satan exists. To futher disban common misconceptions and sterotypes I will tell you this:
We do not sacrifice animals or babies.
We do not put curses on people or
Control people with love spells
We don't have worts or wear ruby slippers!
Basicly we are not the movies.

A message for non-pagan web browsers
If you would please try to set aside prejudice, sterotypes, movie magic, and look at these pages with an open mind you will see we are not so diffrent after all.We laugh, we cry. We are serious. We have a sense of humor. You don't have to be afraid of us. We don't want to convert you, But please understand that This religion is not a joke. It is very real and close to are hearts.Thank You.

What Is Wicca?
Bide the Wiccan Law ye must
In perfect Love an' perfect Trust
Eight Words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' it harm none, do as ye will
Lest in self defence it be
Whatever ye send forth comes back to thee
So ever mind the Rule of Three
Follow this with mind and heart
An' Merry ye Meet
An' Merry ye Part
An' Merry ye Meet again
The above is the wiccan rede It alone tells you our one and only law.
To futher explane wicca I will tell you that Wicca is a nature based religion. Which means that we belive that every thing in nature is as some would say holy. Wicca belives that deity is dual a God and a Goddess. You may hear the term triple Goddess, but she is one in the same this term just refers to the three asspects of the goddess( the maiden,the mother, and the crone). You may also hear the God refered to as the Horned One this does not mean devil. He is called the horned one to identify him with the wild animals in nature.
When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an earth or nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers. We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be. We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation.
~Edain McCoy
Some believe that wicca has Shaman based origins(Shamans were the first wisdom seeking people) which dates back before the first civilazations. You can see these origins in the fact that rituals preformed today still show great deal of thier Shamanic beginings. But that is the start to completely diffrent page.

Witch's Voice
Let The Truth Be Heard
The Celtic Connection
Witch's Way
The Witch/Pagan Resources
The Witches.Com
The Witch/Pagan Resources
The Lovely Lady Teal's Web Page
Lady Teal's voice can Be Heard here Take a Listen
Sweet Silver Wind's page
As Soon As Silver Scans Pictures I will add a Page for her as Well
Pagans Unlimited
Moon Light Visions
Starr's Pagan Place
Aerta's Aerie
My good friend Shadowsunn's web page

These are some links on diffrent stuff I have put up take a look it can't hurt
My page on the burning times
If you want to know a little about me go here
Candle Colors For Spells
God Info
Goddess Info
Sex and Wicca
Moon Phases and Names
Invocation Of Peace
Dedication to Gaia

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Never Again the Burning Times

I always welcome your comments and suggestions which help to bring more power, creativity, and spirit to my page.
Please remember that this page is updated all the time. The last update was 5/21/99
I would like to give my love and thanks for all of the help to my husband zerofire
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