Kingdom Nugget No. 4

‘666’ . . . IS TO BE ‘COUNTED’!

Let us start out by declaring that it is ridiculous to be looking ‘out there some-place’ for any ‘666’ markings! Originally this mark or number did not appear in our ‘English’ format. Other languages show it very differently and for most of us, it would be unrecognisable.

The action that we are to take with this subject is seen clearly in the VERB of this verse.


?Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred three score and six.

?The command from God is to COUNT and to do such, one must have wisdom and be walking in a measure of it. The one with WISDOM will also have UNDERSTANDING. This wise person will obviously need to know WHAT HAS TO BE COUNTED.

? The verb ‘count’ in the Greek means to explain by computing from the use of pebbles in enumeration or ballot counting.

?God so ‘worked it’ that He used the Hebrew language for the Old Testament (mostly) and the Greek language for the New Testament. These are the only two full numerical languages in the world. A ‘numerical language’ simply means that each letter equates with a number and thus totals can readily be acquired for words, sentences and paragraphs. In such a ‘setup’, God can hide His word and purposes so that only ‘kings will search out the matter’( Proverbs 25:2). For further study on this amazing format, we suggest that you look at Kingdom Nugget No.2 or Building Study No.34). The application and counting of the respective numbers, one arrives at a total for each word and this is known as the gematria.

?We see, with a little research into the Greek, that this number 666 is three separate and different letters:-

??????Chi (600) + Xi (60) + Stigma (6) = 666.

? Likewise in the Hebrew:- ?Mem (600) + Samech (60) + Vau (6) = 666.

These 3-letter groups cannot be pronounced as a word, as they are selected letters of the alphabet to communicate certain numbers.

?By way of illustration, we are familiar with some of the letters of the ROMAN ALPHABET that we use as numbers — they are included here:-

I = 1; V = 5; X = 10; L = 50; C = 100; D = 500. ( M = 1000 was added at a much later date ).

"VICLXVI" is how ‘666’ would be written with this alphabet! Other languages have different hieroglyphics to denote the Aramaic expression seen as 666. So why all the fuss which we have seen over the one format of 666" ?

?ROMAN letters used in counting, when they themselves are added up, total 666. (Remember the M=1000 was not among the original letters used.).....this shows the influence ‘Rome’ has had and still has upon our lives.

?Without the understanding that the last book of the Bible concerns ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’, one can easily major on the revelation of the ANTI-CHRIST . The balanced view is that Jesus Christ will be unveiled . . . and, remember, He is in us. The Greek word for ‘revelation’ simply means unveiled or removing the cover. To this end the veil of our flesh (the old Adam natural thinking) must be removed so that the seal of God (His thinking) can be readily witnessed as being in our foreheads More about that later.

?There are many pictures SIGNifying (see Rev.1:1) what needs to be dealt with in our walk.


?THE NAME IS THE NATURE ...and the MARK is the VISION - just as we are expected to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

?The mark, name and number belong to a beast, yet the beast is called a man because it shares the same number! We can but conclude that this characteristic of a beast-nature will be manifest in a man.

?This happens when we see a mind completely taken over by what is programmed into it through various means. A ‘beast-nature’ looks after only its own interests, without any apparent restraints. Observe this in the world of sex, drugs, amusement and accumulation of wealth (things!). There are certain moves by the New Age, World Government planners to introduce new schemes and horrors to bring all men to be subservient to their rule and desire. . . the one with the most power, rules! Man thinks he has that power, but God is the only One who really has it!

?REVELATION 13:16 + 17. And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free or bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Note that the connecting word is ‘OR’ not ‘AND’ and ALL are included.!

?The ‘right hand’ in scripture always speaks of blessing, power and authority. For example, Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19). ‘In the forehead’ equates with one’s mind and thinking and in particular, its source . . . which ‘Adam’, the first or the last? This ‘mark’ will simply show whose slave you are!

?The word ‘MARK’ in the Greek is STIGMA and it is a word used in branding a slave. Slaves were marked mostly in their right hand and rarely on their foreheads. For us, we need to be sure we know whether this mark is external, which we will require willpower to refuse, or whether it is internal which will require the Living Word to deal with it. He alone can divide between ‘soulish’ and ‘spiritual’ thinking?

?The ‘NAME’ is the ‘nature’ . . . "what you’re made of" . . . your source of life from your birth.

?The ‘NUMBER’ is ‘666’ . . . three sixes shows simply that this number is complete(ly) (3) carnal man (6) in action — leaving no room for the mind of Christ to operate. Being a number, it can readily be broken down thus revealing its make-up. . . especially as we have been told to count it.


?The ‘gematria’ for ‘JESUS’ = 888 . . . i.e. a complete (3) new beginning (8).

?REVELATION 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on Mount Sion, and with Him an hundred and forty and four thousand, having His Father’s name written in their foreheads.

?Notice that the first verse of the chapter following the 666 business, commences with an ‘AND’ thus linking the two thoughts together. Here we are shown the alternative NAME for our foreheads. Which name do we carry - which nature or thinking do we have in our minds ? Counting this number will expose the subtle encroaching of the ‘animal-man, beast-like’ reasoning that, if it remains unchecked, will completely block out or nullify ‘the mind of Christ’ that is in us.

?The image of the beast is NOT an idol any more than the image of Christ is one. The beast-nature is always substituting man’s ideas in place of Father-God’s nature and His purposes. ‘Anti-Christ ‘ simply means instead of Christ.


?Let us research the counting of this number a little further . . . The GEMATRIA of certain words in the Greek language that have a total value of 666, are very challenging . . . and these can certainly be counted (added up)!

??EUPORIA = WEALTH (found in Acts 19:25) shows that the number of the beast displays a love and reliance upon money and possessions. Such is ‘anti’ what Christ has decreed.

??PARADOSIS = TRADITION (Found many times in the New Testament) is therefore a strong attribute of the ANTI-CHRIST BEAST NATURE. Tradition in the New Testament is mentioned far more times in a negative sense than in a positive one. Traditions in the Church today, many times, hinder the unfolding of God’s progressive revelation of Himself and what He is doing in His people and in the world where He is ‘King’. There are traditional beliefs . . . some are good, but most have been watered down to a place where the communication from God is lost. There are traditional programs which usually replace faith and other directives from God . . . sometimes fully and sometimes partly!

?The battle between Jesus (the Living Word) and the Pharisees who were determined to hold rigidly to their traditions, raged continuously because they could not (or would not!) see the life of Jesus as greater than their religion.

??DIASPORAS = SCATTERED (Found in I Peter 1:1). It depicts an attitude that keeps God’s people scattered or separated, which is certainly not what Jesus prayed for in John 17. . . in fact the opposite — instead of !!! The Christian Church is certainly scattered among innumerable denominations, sects, fellowships and no-name groups.

??APOLLUMATHA = 'WE PERISH' (Found in Luke 8:24). This word shows the absence of faith in the abiding presence of Jesus Christ: it is ‘the save my flesh’ principle coming to the fore. . . when God wants us to identify with His provision given at Calvary.

?These are attributes of a common nature that need to be removed from our walk . The ‘mark’ is not something that is going to come forth, but rather is already in us because of the ‘fallen’ nature we inherited from Adam. Jesus, via the Cross, has provided sufficient power and anointing for the pressing away from the mark of the beast nature towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ-Jesus. This, our target-mark, is a full release of Father’s nature in us which will swallow up the ‘kingdoms of the world’ hiding in our thinking.

? One writer has found that this phrase the kingdoms of this world has a gematria of 2 x 666. Also, the merchants of the earth = 666, which hits a little closer to home!

?For further emphasis, there are numerous other phrases, etc., that carry the same content of nature which is shown in the understanding of counting. Here are just a few:-

Rev.13:2 And the dragon....down to ...great authority has a value of 666 x 12.

Rev.13:16 And he causeth...down to...their foreheads has a gematria of 666 x 40

Rev.13:17 and that no man...down to ...number of his name equals 666 x 16.

II Thess.2:3 and that man of sin...down to ...son of perdition similarly equals 666 x 6.

II Thess.2:8 then shall that Wicked....down to ...working of Satan totals 666 x 13.?

?Look at the number 36 = 6 x 6 = fully man and very carnal! The numbers 1 through 36 when added up equal 666. The nature of the beast is visible whenever we see a man, Christian or otherwise, operating in the carnal, self-centered, self-preserving nature that a beast or animal does.?

?In passing . . .


??a] A person refusing to take an external mark or number while inside they have beliefs and attitudes that are anti-Christ. Does this one have the mark of the beast ? Afraid so!

??b] If it should be a natural MARK, should we be afraid of such? No way! If our trust is fully in the Lord Jesus Christ, any fear will swallowed up by His love. Those walking in obedience to the Living Word will hardly give thought to these marks and numbers. The issue is not to deny Christ. He is our Lord, He is our supply and He is our life. In Him we live, and move and have our being... ..right? . . . such is His provision for each one of us — called ‘grace’. One denies Christ whenever we put man’s ideas etc. in place of what God says.

? It comes down to this . . .


?If you have the mark and the attitude that goes along with it, you will not find it easy to buy the truth. Traditional thinking will cause you to be unteachable. You know how it goes! My mind is made up, please do not confuse me with the truth!! Truth comes by Jesus Christ, Who is Truth. Truth is bought with commitment and a desire to obey the Living Word. Check up on your reactions to prevailing situations in your life!

??The seal of God in our forehead is the mind of Christ, which we have, but need to see released. As we hear the Voice of the Spirit within (in our thinking), the mind of Christ which we have, becomes a flowing reality through which His control is manifest in the earth. §