Kingdom Nugget No. 9





(35) That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I WILL OPEN MY MOUTH IN PARABLES; I WILL UTTER THINGS WHICH HAVE BEEN KEPT SECRET FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.

(36) Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him,

saying, DECLARE UNTO US THE PARABLE OF . . . . . . . . . .

                Jesus declared that He would only speak to the people with parables; He uses accounts from the old and new testaments — as well as stories from every day life. A parable is an account of a happening — mostly of what actual events, which have a hidden message the author will unfold to the teachable in His perfect time. Couple with this, the scriptures quote Jesus made concerning the Holy Spirit (God in us) how “He would teach us ALL things” and it does not leave too much for our intelligence to solve — now does it?

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, HE SHALL

TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

                It is important to remember the basic truth that Christ is CONCEALED in the Old Testament and REVEALED in the New Testament. Christ is the visible expression of the invisible God. Paul puts it this way, “Christ Who is the image of God”. Well now, if we Christians are the Body of Christ . . . and we are! . . .then every unfolded parable will have a bearing on our lives and thus will be profitable to us. . . so please Lord, help us to receive insight from You.



                It is generally accepted that Joseph of Genesis is a type of Christ. He had a calling of God upon him from birth with very exact happenings in his life paralleling the life of Christ Jesus of the New Covenant. Joseph received, through his anointed dreams, a calling to be a saviour and provider for God’s people. He was then separated from his brethren unto the priestly-serving position by the gift of a many-coloured coat/mantle. He was killed as far as Jacob knew; he was buried in the pit; his popularity was tested and he came through the wilderness ‘battle’ and finally raised out of the dark prison to the throne at the right hand of Pharaoh. From that place he ministered to the hungry with God’s wis-dom. His mother, Rachel, named him Joseph which means ‘increaser’ implying that God would be adding another son to her. Jacob, who was the father, agreed to the name of Joseph just like he had agreed to all the other names given to his half brothers.



                Benjamin . . . Joseph’s full brother . . . was born in an unusual and sad way for Rachel died giving birth to this prophetic son. From her tragic situation, she named this son, ‘Son of my sorrow’ for that is what ‘Benoni’ means. However, this one time Jacob steps in and uses his perogative and changes his name to ‘Benjamin’ which means ‘Son of the right hand’.

Genesis 35:16 And THEY JOURNEYED FROM BETHEL; and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath: and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labour.

(17) And it came to pass, when she was in hard labour, that the midwife said unto her, Fear not; thou shalt have

this son also.

(18) And it came to pass, as her soul was in departing, (for she died) that SHE CALLED HIS NAME BEN-ONI: but


(19) And Rachel died, and was buried in the way to Ephrath, which is BETHLEHEM.

                Benjamin was born, not in Bethel — ‘the House of God ‘— but a little further on towards . . . Bethlehem — ‘the House of Bread’. The Benjamin company of saints will have a hunger for the Bread of Life over and above the House of God. Jesus is that Bread.

            So this parable of Benjamin speaks to us today. We tune in on it by linking the context with Joseph-Christ. Christ is no longer in the prison house of death where the sin of mankind put Him. Father-God raised Him and He is seated at the right hand of the God where He intercedes Father’s Will towards us through the specific presence in us of His Spirit.

The right hand speaks of the authority of God which is delivered by word. We are the body of Christ — and He only has one body — and we are told that we are seated with Him in heavenly places . . . we are in Him as He sits at the right hand of God.


                This account is truly a parable for us as there certainly no chairs in heaven as spirits do not have the capability of sitting down! Neither does God have a literal left or right hand as a spirit does not have hands! However, these are profound spiritual pictures which the Lord uses to get across to our understanding more of Himself, His provision and purposes.

            Jesus has declared to His true ‘ecclesia’ (called-out ones) that He is our Elder Brother. Remem-ber that, just like Jesus, Joseph forgave all his half-brothers and he also freely provided their needs . . . but Benjamin received special blessings after he had been through some rather unique dealings. Benjamin was also called for a special purpose and thus he needed to be carefully prepared for that ministry.

            As we look again at the Genesis account, let us open our hearts to see that God has called us

and is equipping us for His foreordained plan in this new day, when there is too, a famine in the land that of hearing the word of the Lord and some, like us, are hungry.

Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of

bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

‘Bread natural’ is contrasted with ‘Bread spiritual’. . . spiritual bread is HEARING what the Lord is saying with His word. It is not the ‘letter word’





                Insignificant Benjamin . . . the youngest of the family . . . has not been around for very long. He was destined for the Throne. His birth was beautifully timed of the Lord so that he could be what God wanted him to be at the right time in His great plan. This family managed quite well during the early years of the famine when nutritious food was getting scarcer, but there came the day when hunger caused them to take desperate action . . . go down to Egypt for help — to go outside their denomination for help! They had heard that there was ‘corn in Egypt’ of all places!

Genesis 42:1 Now when Jacob saw that THERE WAS CORN IN EGYPT, Jacob said unto his sons, Why do ye

look one upon another?

(2) And he said, Behold, I have heard that there is corn in Egypt: get you down thither, and BUY FOR US FROM




                The ten brothers came with money to buy corn from the “Minister of Food & Welfare” little knowing that they would come before Joseph. They came with enough humility — even to the bowing down before him — a means to an end, to obtain their desires. It also showed Joseph that ‘the word of the Lord’ that he had received so many years before was being fulfilled. This must have encouraged him that he was in the right place at the right time. If the vision tarry, wait for it, for it shall surely come. Joseph knew who these men were but they did not know who he was. These brothers brought money to buy their salvation, but Joseph ensured that they received by grace as he had their money returned unto them in their sacks. Joseph was moving with authority as he dealt with his brethren and Reuben was the first to admit their guilt concerning Joseph.

            The next supply that they so desperately needed would not be received until Benjamin was with them. Note that it was not Benjamin alone who came to Joseph, but all the brethren with him. Joseph had decreed that they would not see his face unless Benjamin was with them. People of God in this hour, will not see the face of the Lord God unless the Benjamin-Company of saints be with them . . . why so? The answer is in this parable when Judah declares that his father was reluctant to let Benjamin go to Egypt seeing that he had ‘lost’ his first son by Rachel. The brethren declared ‘that the life of the father was bound up in that son.’ Thus Benjamin came with his brothers to Joseph.

Genesis 44:30 Now therefore when I come to thy servant my father, and the lad be not with us; seeing that HIS


                The ‘Benjamin Company’ have Father’s life within them waiting to be released at the appointed time.



Genesis 43:29 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother’s son, and said, Is this your younger brother, of whom ye spake unto me? And he said, GOD BE GRACIOUS UNTO THEE, MY SON.

                In the New Covenant, Jesus has been declared to be our Elder Brother which is emphasized by the prayer pattern that He gave us. . . ‘OUR Father who art in heaven . . .’ When eventually Joseph meets Benjamin face to face, he spoke a remarkable thing, ‘God be gracious unto thee, my SON’.

            Even though Benjamin was his true brother, by the Spirit he called him, his son. To bring this aspect of the parable up to date, we must include Revelation 21:5-7 , when Jesus Christ says,‘. . . to him that overcometh ( His brethren) shall inherit all things; and I will be his God and he shall be my SON’. Do not overlook the 42nd. generation (Christ, the corporate son) , the offspring of Christ Jesus who is the 41st. generation of this list in Matthew chapter one (see Kingdom Nuggets No.10).

            Benjamin is separated from his brethren when it comes time to dine with Joseph. In this place apart, Benjamin receives five times as much food as the others. Grace (5) is received by Benjamin as he is being built up for the test ahead. We have received grace, not only for salvation initially, but for the changing work of Christ in us to prepare us for the calling of this hour. For it is from the throne at the right hand of God that we shall minister in the fullness of the Spirit.



Revelation 12’s account of the manchild is the fulfilment of Benjamin’s parable. ‘Moon-thinking’, which only has reflected enlightenment from the true source, is under mother’s feet and she is fully clothed upon with the true light will be the timing for this ‘son of the right hand’ to take

his proper place. ‘Brother’ Benjamin, who is now a ‘son’ will be in Christ at the right hand of the Father. From such a position he becomes the extension of Joseph-Christ, he will do the things Jesus Christ did and greater as was decreed by Jesus.

John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, THE WORKS THAT I DO SHALL HE DO ALSO;

AND GREATER WORKS THAN THESE SHALL HE DO; because I go unto my Father.



                Can you drink of the cup that I drink of?, asked Jesus of His disciples. His disciples answered, ‘Yes.’ They were unaware of the full implication of the question. His cup was a cup depicting the complete laying down of His life for the brethren. A cup of death and of sorrow yet with it a cup that held hope for the world. Benjamin was willing to take of the cup that belonged to Joseph and we shall see that he held it in his hand.

            We need to recap on the dealings and testings that were put upon Benjamin. When we have past the tests, then we shall be usable for God’s present expression of Himself in the earth. The test for Benjamin is the same test that we will have to meet if we haven’t already done so. It all starts when we become hungry for more of God. This means that you are ready for new expressions and new words with new revelations because the previous or old ones have not brought the satisfaction that we have cried after. They that hunger and thirst after righteousness, they shall be filled. God will fill your sack (life) with an abundance of good wheat/living word. He will not charge you, for the word of God is not for sale, it is freely given to those who ask Him for it. Let us recall that we are in another place told to ‘buy the truth and sell it not’ . . . this purchasing, however, is not done with money but with your will.

            Joseph knowing Benjamin and his calling, instructs his servants to place his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack right on the top . . . not hidden down deep in the sack where it will take time to be discovered. This is a premeditated trap and that is how God manipulates our circumstances in order to get our attention in a special way.



                Now for the drama as the brethren are brought back to the palace. The brothers were very quick to declare that whoever has Joseph’s cup, will die and the remainder will be his servants. They would be happy to be servants because they didn’t know about being a son as we mentioned above concerning Benjamin. They really believed that they were all innocent. . . which was true, yet they didn’t know it. The silver cup was discovered in Benjamin’s sack. Can you imagine just how Benjamin must have felt? Condemned to death — by his brethren! Without hope, he with the others, back tracked to the palace.

            THE SILVER CUP was very special and full of meaning. The word for ‘cup’ in the Hebrew is GEBIA which means a bowl or cup from which other cups were filled. . . i.e. a pouring-out vessel.

‘Silver’ in the word always speaks of redemption. Being as the cup was made of silver signifies that there will be a specific pouring out of redemptive life from whoever has it.



                Joseph overrides the previous edict of death to Benjamin by declaring that whoever has the cup will be his servant and the rest of the brethren can go home and do their own thing. The cup was placed deliberately in Benjamin’s SACK; it was his calling from Joseph. Benjamin saw what was happening and was willing to die as decreed. The cup that was in his sack is now in his HAND. Benjamin was willing to go along with the plan even though he did not understand it. He accepted the sentence of death; he gave up his own will — being willing to be a servant who would only carry out the will of the King.

            Joseph was declared to be ‘even as Pharaoh’ . . . Christ who is the image of God. Jesus said that He and His Father were one. To flow in such union with the Lord is our calling and Benjamin received five sets of new clothes compared to the single set to each of his brethren. Benjamin was the last becoming the first. The twelth son was adopted by Joseph into the first-born privileged position.

            We are of the latest or last generation that is being brought to the position of first-born by Christ with the double portion or fullness of the Spirit with which to pour out to the needs of the family etc. Joseph ministered food and sustained life both to the family of God but also to all of Egypt. God’s plan has not changed. He planned to have the Christ go before us to preserve life. We have not always understood His plan — sometimes we have spoken against and blocked His word from being manifested, but He has still separated us for His use and His glory. . . that is grace.



                Are you a part of the ‘Benjamin Company’ in this hour who will desire to pour out rather than ask for blessing? Are you willing to lay down your own thinking and be a true servant who only expresses his Lord’s will? Can you believe that He who has called you, is faithful to bring you through to the completion of His plan? Every step is by faith and trust. He has decreed it and therefore He will do it . . . why not, for He is the Lord God Almighty. If He has deemed that some receive more than others, can we not readily see that it is for a special purpose . . . that of pouring out of His redemptive nature upon all. Benjamin is the expression of the new thing that God is doing today.

            This parable is found in the book of Genesis chapters 42 to 45 and truly the Spirit has revealed Christ to us with it. Thus the word becomes alive to us and we can be sustained by it. Expect the Lord to unveil more and more of Himself to you as you allow His Spirit to teach you all things. He has a ‘silver-cup ministry’ that is purposed for His ‘sons’ — those who are truly in experience at the ‘right hand of the Father’.




                Suppose this story happened today; put yourself in the place of Benjamin when he was seated separately from his brethren and was given more than what they received. . . what would be the reaction that would take place in you ?

            Put yourself in the place of Benjamin when he opened his sack and discovered his ‘ElderBrother’s Silver cup; what would be your reaction? §