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    Thank you for stop by. You can download many files that fits what your need. Please submit your suggestions and comments by sign my guestbook. I will update this web site once a month, so please bookmark and visit frequently if you don't want to miss updates of my programs. All the program below are created by me. Please feel free to download those things. Have a nice day !

Name Size I/U Type Rate Descriptions
Tray Shutdown 1.01 136 KB None Freeware Not Rated Now you can shutdown only by a single click on system tray. All setting will save to registry to improve speed. Here's snapshot
Icon 2 Bmp 1.00 133 KB None Freeware Not Rated Open Icon files, Save to Bmp. Here's snapshot
System Info Beta 2 1,131 KB Both Freeware Not Rated Display lots of system information. Now you can save the informations !!! + ???
Disable It! .1 Beta 156 KB None Freeware Not Rated Disable many options in Windows you wanted to. Here's snapshot
Sys Icons 1.0 Beta 254 KB None Freeware Not Rated Display icons that being used by your system and save as .ico or .bmp
Registry Cleaner 215 KB None Freeware Not Rated Remove many useless entries in system registry. Here screenshot
SDesktopChange 266 KB None Freeware Not Rated Change your desktop wallpaper in a spesific time with a lot of picture.

* I/U : Install/Uninstall

Since December, 12 1998

Last Update: May, 24 1999

Any suggestions, comments are welcome, please send your email to