friendship grows

Words With Artist's Touch

Never again alone my words shall be,

My words want to color me brightly with an artist's stroke

so that noticing me still shall you be.

My words want to take us into flight,

like an eagle taking a rare soaring freedom voyage

midst nights desolate pallet.

As you choose to fly with me again,

dropping from within night sky's invisible state,

we shall together pass stars just dreamed and pondered

and enter friendship's open gate.

Entering, only those willing to take lift with risk of fall.

Knowing that in life of true friends

there is little pain, nor ending at all.

When at a moments notice

or perhaps no notice at all,

hearts shall touch without the tendency to retreat.

When at next twilight we return revived from words' voyage

"falling out of the sky" is now upon one's feet.

Memories gathered together are flavored what we call sweet.

And trust gives words color that they have never felt

when left alone without the " artist's touch.

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copyright 1998 Author:Freespirit