
think before acting
Somewhere in our hearts and on this earth must grow the stars of hope
For a stop to the violence that is showing up in our children by sporatic acts of violence
Such as the story I am about to tell
A story that no mother should have to endure to include her innocent child called "victim"
stars of hope
(touch each gif to hear whispers of hope)

Midi Playing:
eastside by Thom Williams III

Not long ago in our small "relatively crime free" city,
A mother stood weeping in disbelief that her son was killed
senslessly by a boy who didn't even know her son

This boy "suspect" was supposidly "hired" by another boy to "punch without warning" a boy whom he may have not even known"
And it is said,"for reasons of which he was not made aware of"

 Join together in peace

for mothers who grieve
When a boy should be walking up to another and saying" Do you want to play ball with my friends?",
Or " Hello, my friend wants to work out the differences that you seem to be having with him"
"He is my friend, a good person, so please try to " talk it over" ,"Can I help?"
The "accused" it was reported, threw a " blind, sucker punch" that would within the next 48 hours, END, the young life of somebody he didn't even know"
Hard to imagine for most of us? Yes! But REALITY for anyone who cared for the "victim" as a human being.
How much like lightning did this young boy's punch inflict it's fatal jolt
a deadly jolt

I know there is much to do
But we all have time to think
And the mother of a child is still grieving
Just think it could be your child that you shall Never have to hold again.
a kind heart and we must understand, it could also have been our child
who made a bad decision to "act""without thinking"
without a kind heart even for a "quick blow"
not intended to inflict "much harm"
talk to our children Please lets talk to our children about having a "kind,peaceful,heart"
Take a "gold heart" and make it a new symbol of "hope"
It will take all of us to stop senseless violence.

copyright by Freespirit 1999

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