roses are kisses of nature(a lovely picture taken by a friend)

Heartbeats of Friends and Love
love within friendship

Midi Playing:
original composition by Thom Williams III
Dreamsharer used with permission

Be still my heart
you speak to me with fire and flame.
You have only love no fear to blame.
When effortlessly you lift me into joy
your heart's beatings ring pleasant rhythmic melodies.

Like listening to a love sonnet
my head may choose to join it's lovely memory of your your smile.
A burning desire for our next passing
leads to hopes of a day with your lips upon it.
Your tender lips may run into a story of another land
and my lips may quiver to meet yours there.

As slowly our hearts beat together now that our spirit's have touched.
I find myself not wishing for the moments to come to end.
The rise and fall of your chest are not the only way my head rests upon you.
Truly our burning desire is now a peaceful simultaneous retreat.
As our souls melt to join the gatherings our earth holds from all true loves .
Clearly this memory is that of treasures of us, friend.

Happy Tears
( a poem written amidst spontaneous thought )

a moment shared
The gift of happy tears have floated upon my cheeks.
Instead of dropping from my smile
to the floor so far below,
they have stayed to savor the moisture,
the warm feelings held within their bodies.

As they have joined in little duets
singing their happy tinkling tunes,they slide around my lips
and meet again upon the shadow of happy grin.
They embrace being together in joyous celebration.
They have no pain upon their backs.
One would expect they would be earth bound,
but they stop to hear the pounding of my heart.
They are so tempted to move on where tears have been before,
landing with the rebounding echoes of hopelessness and fear.
They have found a happy place to remain,
until all end of time.
They are in my heart.
These happy tears are yours and mine.(friend)
Thank you for bringing me to happy tears . *smile*

I am sentimental as you know.

come with me on a friendship voyage Friends are truly a gift one gives one's self

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 Fresh scent of friendship

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