Welcome to my Guestbook!

sharon - 06/15/00 02:40:47
My URL:http://www.sharonstop.homestead.com

You site is so neat. Your poetry is heartwarming and touching. Thanks for the ride.

Amy Chamberlain - 06/01/00 01:20:25
My URL:http://none
My Email:mojopeppette@cs.com

I love your poems!!!!!

freespirit22 - 05/19/00 20:39:49
My Email:freespirit22@4unet.co.uk

What a lovely surprise! I searched for other freespirits on the net and I came across your site. Your poetry is beautiful, I agree with all your thoughts and sentiments and hope you continue with your wonderful site - I'll recommend it to all my friends. ith all best thoughts & wishes. Freespirit22

Cayman - 04/28/00 03:46:13
My Email:BlueEyedAndCrazy@aol.com

I dont know what to say that can give what I have just read and seen the justice that it so deserves. I do know this.... when I can get shivers from reading something so beautiful, so meaningful and so touching.... then I know the importance of it. Thes poems and the gorgeous work that you have done on this site will stay with me. Thank you and many wonderful wishes for you and this talent that you have displayed!

Thomas Horne - 04/14/00 01:12:39
My URL:http://home.att.net/~tomhorne
My Email:webmaster@hhtutorials.zzn.com


A wonderful website...we really enjoyed our visit...Come to our Affiliates center...H&H Tutorials

Christine - 03/16/00 04:35:21
My URL:/Paris/Chalet/3611/
My Email:no1mominpa@aol.com

I have just had the pleasure of taking a tour around your website and wanted to leave you a message and tell you how much I enjoyed my visit! I know how much time goes into creating a site and this is a wonderful effort in which you can take a lot of prid . Your site is wonderful, Keep up the fantastic work. Loved your poems and the applets take care.

jeanette - 03/07/00 23:41:17
My Email:neanie246@aol.com

this webpage is incredible! it has so many poems i can relate to! this poet is remarkable

Faye Horne - 03/06/00 09:08:12
My URL:http://home.att.net/~fayehorne/Index.html
My Email:fayehorne@yahoo.com


What a nice web site you have....Come see me...Faye....

Or Visit Our Web Site Service Center

Lady KeriMae - 01/22/00 03:46:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/sunshine414

Greetings FreeSpirit! :-) What a lovely site you have created here! Such beautiful poetry. You are very talented. I had a very enjoyable visit. Keep up the WONDERFUL work!

"Friendship Hugs & Smiles"

~*Lady KeriMae*~

nicole eppley - 01/20/00 17:15:23
My Email:eppley.16@osu.edu

Mom, Your web site is wonderful!!!! I didn't have much time to read your poems, but the ones I read were very good. I guess I'll have to quit making fun of you now.Ha Ha I will definatly visit again. love, Nicole

Kim Walls - 01/19/00 02:38:35
My URL:http://home.beseen.com/family/kimeelala/kimeelala.html
My Email:KimeeLaLa@NetZero.Net

Wow, when I find pages like this I am glad I am a web surfer. Your page is a homepage masterpiece and I am happy I found this page. Please visit my little piece of the web whenever you have the time! Please Sign My Guestbook!

My homepage is about Oregon, Teenagers, Autism, My Family and Just Plain Fun.

Sammy Dee - 11/29/99 12:48:50
My Email:sammydee55@yahoo.com

Hi, Whao!!! That was a lovely page, only that it was too flamboyant. However, you make a good poet. And I'm happy we are neighbours -- check out for my weekly journal at the above URL. ----SAMMY------

Allen - 10/15/99 03:41:44
My URL:http://members.aol.com/scanwiz2u/todayspicture.html
My Email:scanwizard@aol.com

Very nice but the link graphics didn't all display for me. Lovely site.

Lee Zhao - 10/10/99 01:44:42
My URL:http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~lzhao
My Email:lzhao@eden.rutgers.edu

Hello, Suzanne, thank you for your dissertation on my guestbook. It was rather nice of you. Those words that you have left on the guestbook are quite inspiring, well, I can't think of a better word to describe them. It is not at all without joy that I ell you that I can finally tell you that I have passed the written qualifying exam on my quest of getting my Ph.D. in mathematics. I am very happy with that since this year's exam is really hard and 5 out of the 11 who took it failed it. I guess the thi g that I fear the second most is behind me. However, something that I am fearing the most seems to be creeping in on me, for I think that I may be losing my hair. :-) So I think by the time I'm done with my Ph.D., I may look old and ugly, but hopefully I won't be fat. :-)
I have not read those poems written by myself for a very long time now. In fact, I have not talked to that girl for whom the poems were written for a long time. It is doubtful that I will ever talk to her again, but I think that's probably better for me It is nice to know that someone has read it carefully when the author himself is not even paying much attention to the poems. :-) Anyway, love is so much unimportant on my list of priorities that it has been pretty far away from my mind. Maybe it is nly because that I have tried too hard in the past that it seemed that the harder I try the further away it got. Maybe it is time that I stop trying, you know. Anyway, this is getting too long for a guestbook entry. Anyway, thanks for signing my book. Later.

Linda Jonsne - 09/21/99 01:04:06
My Email:lejo@infinet.com

HI Suzanne!!!! It was so good to hear from you. I checked out your site! WOW!! You are quite the poet. Here is an address for you to check out. http://www.famouspoets.com There is an awesome contest that might be right up your alley. It really was nice to see you and Mark again. Anytime you make it up to Cedar Point Marina, please feel free to come by. We are on dock # 6, all the way at the end. You will see the boat name Dream Catcher, That's Us..... It's a little late and I have a wee one to get to bed. Take care and love to all. Keep in touch.. Linda

Lee Zhao - 08/14/99 22:05:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Village/8718/
My Email:lyzdragon@yahoo.com

Well, Suzanne, sorry I haven't replied your e-mail. Actually, I have been really busy, although I am in my Summer Vocation. I have to study for my qualifying exams. Anyway, nice page here. Keep up the good work.

Pkshadow Only Knows - 07/06/99 11:04:42
My URL:/SiliconValley/Campus/9512/

Am locked out of my site and can not update your info and give the credit and aknowledge the accomplishments that you have achieved. I as well wish to "Welcome your Following. I also wish to let a Few People KNOW that PKSHADOW ONLY KNOWS will be watching, & is a search specialist that looks after all his FRIENDS" ENJOY This special persons insites! (Pk:=}shadow)

Pkshadow Only Knows - 06/15/99 08:32:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/9512/

Nice work That you Have done Keep it Up!

Thunder Bird - 06/11/99 21:13:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Teddybear_7/index.html
My Email:dream_weaver198@yahoo.com

Hello there,just letting a few friends know that the Thunder & Steel's sister page has been renamed.

paris - 06/08/99 13:53:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/soho/nook/1016
My Email:xparisx@hotmail.com

love the page:)

Cinderella - 05/16/99 17:33:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/WhispersofthSoul/index.html
My Email:Cinderella69@goplay.com

:-) wonderful site

Chuck T - 05/16/99 03:28:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Port/9640
My Email:chuckiet@ptd.net

You have a knack for words:) I liked your poems, thank you for sharing them with me. I also thank you for visiting my site of applets and poetry, and especially for signing my book. Chuck

aqua ™ - 05/16/99 00:26:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/aquasmile123

Hey how ya doing? I don't think I know you but anyhoo thank you for signing my gustbook .Your site is sooooooo cool someday when I learn more I hope me page can be half as good as yours....

Ftwrthtx - 05/10/99 22:59:24
My URL:http://www.ftwrthtx.com
My Email:webmaster@ftwrthtx.com

You have done a wonderful job on your pages.
Come visit us today for Free Greeting Cards, web based email that never changes, web master resources, news, weather, sports, and more......Come Check us out!!.......

Come visit us for all your web needs..Make us your homepage today!
Make us your homepage today!
Put your web page to work TODAY!!!

snugglekat - 05/09/99 16:10:45
My URL:/Wellesley/Gazebo/8684/
My Email:snugglekat@yahoo.com

I thank you for visiting my realm and leaving this link. What a great place to visit. I just loveed it :) Keep up the great stuff here! Hugs and giggles 4 u !!!

- 04/25/99 04:07:37


Wayne - 04/24/99 23:59:09
My Email:welltrak@sprynet.com

Dear Freespiriet A dear friend sent your homepage to me and I have to say I have never seen anything so beautiful and touching as yours. I will keep it in my files for a pick me-up for those times that my be difficult. You are a very talented young lady, and obviously a very warm and sensitive human being. Good luck and may the words that you have written work and come true for you. Thanks. Wayne, Mr Ocean

Carol Hoefler - 04/22/99 18:22:16
My Email:hoeflerc@ohio.edu

I enjoyed reading your labors of love. Thanks for sharing!

Ray & Erika - 04/21/99 20:40:35
My URL:http://www.rayerika.com
My Email:erika@rayerika.com

You Have Done A WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, PHENOMENAL, EXTRAORDINARY, REMARKABLE Job On Your Website! Very Bright And Cheerful And Informative. It Looks Like You Put A Lot Of Time And Effort Into Everything. I Especially Love The Backgrounds And The Words You hose. If You Get A Moment, Please Stop By Ours. Please Let Me Know Of Any Updates To Your Site. I Will Definitely Return. Keep Up The Good Work. - Erika (ICQ: 36219502)

Sue Yarborough - 04/21/99 14:05:14
My Email:susan.yarborough@zurich.com

Sue, how exciting to have your own web site. Good luck with the poetry!! I only was able to read a few before my system went down. I'll try again later. What I did read was wonderful!! Sue Yarborough

Meghan - 04/20/99 19:55:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/3808
My Email:meghlcl@aol.com

Hey there! Thanks for signing my guestbook. It has been a long time since I have heard from you. I hope that you are doing well. I love your web site -- I can tell that you have put a lot of time and effort in it. I also have another new web site at http //www.geocities.com/Paris/Tower/1174. Keep up the excellent work with your site! -- Meghan/Mekada

linda - 04/16/99 11:37:36
My Email:linstan@yahoo.com

Way to go Sue! This is great. I think you have really found your nich. I will be letting Kathy know about your site, she will love your creativety. It is fun to see some of our talents uncover themselves as we get older. Here's to Freespirit and Lake Erie!!

ZAGAS PANAGIOTIS - 04/14/99 01:03:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Mine/2901/main.html
My Email:zagas@ser.forthnet.gr

hi hello your site is verry verry cool and interisteng

Janice Fox - 03/13/99 16:38:32
My Email:FOX668@prodigy.net

I'm so glad we met and look forward to a lasting friendship. Your work is beautiful -- sensitive and caring as I'm sure reflects your true personality.

Sir Silvin - 03/05/99 01:20:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/6427/
My Email:silvin@zamnet.zm

" And now, my friend," said he, turning to Sancho, " forgive me making you, appear as mad as I was myself, and for drawing you into my errors, and persuading you that there have been and still are knights-errant in the world." Sir Don Quixote of La Mancha. ~ And now I kindly ask of thee to sign my guestbook and explore my realm ~

Gilda - 03/02/99 01:39:16
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~gilsworld/GilsWorld1.html
My Email:Gbat747637@aol.com

Hi Sue, What a wonderful home Page. your poems are Lovely. I enjoyed the poem you wrote (Sound of youthful Laughter) Very sorry to hear about your Friend. What a tragic thing. I had a nice time. Come see mine n please sign my book. Thank you~!~!Gilda

Lee Zhao - 03/01/99 01:57:34
My URL:http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~lzhao
My Email:lzhao@eden.rutgers.edu

Well, you have a very interesting page here. I will drop by often to read the poems. Drop by my page if you can. Read some poems too and sign the guestbook if you want. Later.

Karen - 02/28/99 04:05:27
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SheBeDvl/index.html
My Email:SheBeDvl@aol.com

what a beautiful gift of verse you have... I have put your page in my favorite place to read again... Keep the beauty and love alive in your heart! Peace and Love.

Glynis - 02/26/99 17:14:39
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/CompuCat/compucats.html
My Email:gsylvester@usa.net

Great pages! Come over and visit! Meouw!

Melody - 02/21/99 22:45:40
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~goddessnova/poetry.html
My Email:goddess_melody@hotmail.com

Nice page. Very....free spirited. I enjoyed your poetry.

Charles Galuski - 02/09/99 13:02:33
My Email:skywalker1138@yahoo.com

Dear, loving Suzanne, I have visited your page once again and am thrilled to see you expressing such inner beauty. Your peom about you and Mark and your page of friends' pages was remarkable and inspiring. I had intended to get my own home page this semester and the thought of being included among the friends that you have on that page motivates me even more!!! God bless you!!! Charles

Chelsea - 02/05/99 03:10:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~toddlertown4
My Email:just_4_toddlers@hotmail.com

Just stopped in to visit your site since you have visited mine. I like the way you've done your site. Come back and see me sometime and Please don't forget to vote for me in the sweetheart site fights..the link is on my page. Thanks for stopping by and I plan on coming back to visit you again.

Eric Venters - 01/23/99 22:02:43
My Email:eventers@hotmail.com

I like the poetry idea. I have poems published of my own. Cool page!

saadiq khan - 01/18/99 02:57:26
My Email:saadiqk@hotmail.com

HI freespirit . this is your pal saadiq ive finally gotten to the guest book the site looks nice . . . keep up the nice work bye for now

Charles Galuski - 01/07/99 17:59:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Amphitheatre/8753/pic49.html
My Email:skywalker1138@yahoo.com

Suzanne, This is a lovely page. I loved the poetry ... esp. the ones where you talk about sould meeting each other in love. You will always be such a dear and special spirit to me. Take care. *LHK* Charles

ShocWave - 01/03/99 20:37:13
My Email:shocwave@hotmail.com

not much into the poetry thing,but its a nice site have fun your friend Jim

Angelblueyes - 01/02/99 22:34:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/6182/index.html
My Email:496523@pager.mirabilis.com


you need a java browser

Loved your web pages & poetry!!!
So nice and thoroughly enjoyable.
If I can do anything to help please let me know.
There are things at my Heaven-Sent Goodies page (links)
that make web site building alot easier than it needs to be. Look forward
to chatting with you on ICQ....In the meantime, keep up the great work here!!.

James - 12/29/98 21:32:33

Your poems are simply lovely..thanks for sharing them with me. God Bless you.

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