Images From Within, A Father's Love

Note: I grew up with my biological father in my home. But many people loose a parent, a father to death. It influences their lives. Often it takes many years to come to peace with the loss. Personal struggles of people finding themselves without a parent around is a common place dilema in todays society. Sometimes even if a father exists, one may hear a friend say "the type of father I had..was little better than no father at all" I tried to put myself into feelings that a person's mind that has possibly come to resolve about not knowing or remembering their father because of the loss of him at a young age. Healing must be very difficult. I do not assume to know..but I have felt empathy for friends who know first hand how sad not having their father in growing years is.

Father I am standing here

trying to imagine yet again your smile

your embrace, your face.

My mothers hands cup my chin

wanting our life's energy to begin yet again

Silently I shout your name

wanting you to see my best at life's game.

Moments alone never to be the same

without your stength to hold me up.

I am left to find a path with aimless intent.

False happiness I am encouraged to invent.

It is only now some thirty years later or more

standing here feeling your presence upon the shore.

Pounding my heart like the surf's grand constant approaching waves.

Somehow lifting me up to see the image of your gentle face.

Now plainly in the reflection of what is said to be

the mirror image of thee.

As slowly peace within finds me yet again standing here

missing you still.

But now with the strength of being a man.

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copyright 2000 Author:Freespirit

Photo taken by and is sole property of freespirit. Please do not use without permission ..thanks