To Download From This Site You Must Know That All:
Were collected from web sites, and FTP sites. To my knowledge, none were taken from commercial software or commercial web pages.
All MIDI's, WAV, GIF, JPEG files on these pages are within the public domain, or that the copyright holder doesn't mind them being publically distributed. such as the midis used with prior permission from the Thom Williams III original composer.
You may download from this site and listen to MIDI and WAV filesfree of charge.You may download GIF's, JPEG's also. You may not make money off of them. This means that none of the MIDI's, WAV's may be used as background music; or GIF and JPEG's be used on commercial or company web pages.
If you are the holder of a the copyright to a file on this web site and do not wish it to be publically available here. I apoligize and please Email me to remove it. Thanks for reading this!