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Unlikely Love Within Friendship ©
Spirit of Love

Author: Freespirit

A Poem Dedicated To friendship that flourishes with unselfish understanding ...

With unlikely love our friendship dances,
from moment to moment,
as if there are stepping stones guiding our every step,
keeping us from dropping into the depth dreaded of aloneness.

Your day is my night.
my breathe is your slumber.
And yet...
dreams of moments shared
give lift to our flight and lead us not to wonder,
why our hearts soar with unlimited freedom
as if we have sweetly discovered some precious window
that defies all reason and wisdom.

The feelings like that of returning to the sea
comforts me in your absence.
If time should overcome
I shall return to the sounds of my heart beating
with words you have laid down upon my spirit
like waves rythmically caressing the shoreline.
Making smooth, roughness
with loving hands the sandy ridges become smooth and silken,
glistening as within the sunlight
that comes again to endlessly embrace one
with never ending love (within friendship).

Visit other poems at Freespirit's Poetry and Fun Ship
Written By:Freespirit Freespirit's Poetry and Fun Ship

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