
A Son's Love Is A Treasure

Midi Playing:
Raindrops by Tom Williams III

Because of Who You Are
Dedicated to Tyler, who gives people around him love and understanding *smiles*

[You Are Light Of Love In Our Home]

A Voyage of Love


[Light Of Love In My Home]

The strength I see within your eyes
royal blue,deep as the lovliest skies
I marvel at the love your very spirit sends
and hope that part of you, never ends.

This trait is only part of why
I always smile, say "he's such a nice guy."
So when you are a lone at night
know within your heart my love's just right
to grab and hold till morning's light
and send your dreams into eagle's flight..

I hold you now
and you are near,
but my dear,
when years send you far,
I love you..dear..cus of who you are!!

Poetry Copyright@1999-Author:Freespirit
Copyright @1996-98P Music Ltd>
Used with permission

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May You Weather the storms