
My Friends Have Been The Loving Touch Here
In A World That Sometimes Mirrors The "Real World"
"Friends Are The True Treasures Here"
If Wishes Would Make It So,
The Net Would Be A More Loving,
Honest, Openminded Place.. Let's Each Try!
Think Of A Friend Or Loved One Today
Tell Them Thanks

Friendship Sweet as in a Child's Dream

Midi Playing:
Friends by the Beatles

These are friends who have inspired me,
and have offered an unassuming helping hand.

Friends who link to me, thank you!

Pkshadow Your friendship is Treasured

Warm "Thanks to Pkshadow, a Canadian, who
encouraged me to write more poetry
and is assisting my continued learning
process in creating my first webpage.
Thank you! Without your friendship,
I would not be here having such fun!
(Be sure to visit) Pkshadow's Place,
a fun site to go to enjoy again & again!
Freeprograms, links, A great midi page,
free games.

Hear the Whispers of

Innocent Angel Home
Click on the Angel to visit an ICQ Friend,
A Talented Poet Angelblueyes
Angel Has Many Interesting Pages To View,
"Enjoy and FEEL the Pages Talk"!
*New* Check out the Web Help Pages and Links!
Sleepwalk A Florida friend, and his talented art page!

Send A Spirit Flower!

Special thanks to my friends who do not have webpages but who have inspired me to write poetry to celebrate our friendship!

The Red Rose is for you to take . Enjoy!

Special Thanks to Shockwave for designing the great Freespirit's Poetry and Fun Ship 3D banner. What a nice surprise! How thoughtful your friendship has been. My love to your family! :0]

Please Come Back and Visit "My Friends"

Email to:
A Rose For You

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