Welcome to Our Home Unitarian Universalist Church guestbook..

Pamela Prentiss-Harrison - 06/22/00 05:01:13
My URL:http://www.gcuuf.org
My Email:ms_gcuuf@hotmail.com
City: Ocean Springs/Gulfport
Telephone number: 228-218-4851

What a beautifully constructed website! There is a lot of information but the layout makes it appealing and not overwhelming. I must say I think it is one of the nicest UU sites I have seen. Congratulations!

Andy Wehrheim - 02/05/00 22:21:09
My Email:hmis882@attglobal.net
City: Elgin, IL

I read your statement of faith, and I was just wondering if you believe in God. I saw that you believe in religion and humanity, but I didn't really see anything about God. How can you have truth and morals without knowing God. If any of you want to kn w the loving God that you are seeking for in darkness look to Jesus Christ. He will free you from the never ending searching and lost hope that you have expressed on this web-site. I'm not judging you, I just want you to open your hearts up to truth, an you claim you do. If you really are open minded and seeking truth give biblical christianity a chance, that Christ might open up to you the love of Our Heavely Father. John 14:6 Jesus says "I am the Way the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Fathe except through me. If you want a relationship with God, and you want to be freed from the bondage of sin and death, ask Christ to come into your life, for He himself is the Truth you are seeking for. In Jesus, Andy Wehrheim

amber - 02/05/00 15:51:58
My URL:http://advice4grls/homestead.com/homepage.html
My Email:iluvsurferboys2@aol.com
City: Long Island

Hi. I am a Uniteran. I love the freedom I recieve of being one, but I dislike the questions about my relegion. "what is that", "I've never heard of that!"..etc. I wish people were more informed about religions so that they wouldn't stick their noses up at me for being different

Tony Davis - 09/28/99 18:25:10
My Email:dadavis40@hotmail.com
City: Monticello, Miss.


Richard Hansen - 07/02/99 22:30:47
My Email:richard71@usa.net
City: Seattle
Telephone number: 206)570-5246

Interested in learning more about the Universalist Tradition.

Theresa Riley - 05/25/99 02:51:33
My Email:triley@mciworld.com
City: Oak Park
Telephone number: 708-660-9662

I will be traveling to Forest,Mississippi this weekend and was looking for a UU church to attend. I'm a member of Third Unitarian Church in Chicago,IL under the ministry of Rev.Michelle Bentley. I really enjoyed your sight.

Ellen Ruffin - 04/12/99 22:13:52
My Email:ellenr@c-gate.net
City: Hattiesburg, MS
Telephone number: 6012712023

This is a very impressive website. It's loaded with information. Terrific!

Jill M Parker - 03/18/99 22:24:04
My Email:jillparker@c-gate.net
City: Laurel, MS
Telephone number: 425-2695

Very informative website.

Gayle Bustin - 03/07/99 01:31:47
My Email:baron@netdoor.com
City: Hattiesburg
Telephone number: 601-268-2826

Great webpage - I love the cube - very interesting- you are so clever.

Joshua R. Moore - 01/29/99 17:47:45
My Email:jrm18@ra.msstate.edu
City: Starkville, Ms
Telephone number: 324-5843

As a member of the church I was very pleased to see the website was so well put together. Hopefully it will provide a means for nonmembers to gather information and increase awareness of the church.

- 01/12/99 11:50:23


Shannon Haley - 12/18/98 03:49:29
My Email:shaley@netdoor.com
City: Hattiesburg
Telephone number: 544-2288


Rev. Michael Smith - 12/11/98 15:16:00
My Email:michael.smith@usm.edu
City: Hatt
Telephone number: 266-4510

Beautiful website.

Rev. Terry J. Moore - 11/20/98 02:15:29
My Email:70420.62@compuserve.com
City: New Orleans
Telephone number: 888-823-2499

Great job, Baron! Now if we can just get some local links to webpages of the Laurel and Jones County community.

Baron Bustin - 11/19/98 12:42:14
My URL:/Athens/Atlantis/2902/
My Email:baron@pi.ccl.ru
City: Perm
Telephone number: (7 3422) 646661

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