Chicken Wings for the Soul
The Personal Homepage of Scott Frank

Random stuff:

Some random thoughts:

Way back when I was in high school, I wondered what it would be like if you took two chess grand masters and had them fast for a while. Then, they could play each other using Pepperidge Farms Chessmen (TM) cookies, and the only way they could get one to eat was to capture one from their opponant. The winner would get a steak dinner, or something. The show Survivor is now giving me a clue as to what that would look like.

Definition of a pessimist- A person who sees at the beer glass and says, "This glass is half full."
Deinition of an optimist- A person who looks at the same glass and says, "I'm halfway to the next beer!"

How come so many people think Buffalo Wings are associated with bison?
Would they also think that a Philly steak sandwich comes from horse meat?

I bet Fred Flintstone and Homer Simpson would get along great if they sat down together to share a bronto-burger and a Duff beer. Come to think of it, I'd probably want to be there too...

What book or short story do you think Wishbone (ie., the dog on PBS) should do that he hasn't yet?
My favorite suggestion so far has been Kafka's "Metamorphosis".
I'd love to see him in a big bug suit, lying on his back, and kicking his legs in the air.
Runner up: Jack London' s Call of the Wild.

Overheard statement of a lazy mime: "Yeah, OK. I know there's a box. You know there's a box. I can't get out. Yada, yada, yada. What's the big deal?"

Have you seen Disney's version of the Three Musketeers? That's the one with Chris O'Donnell as D'Artagnan, Charlie Sheen and Kiefer Sutherland as two of the three musketeers. Don't you think it would have been a much better movie if Jon Lovitz had been cast as Porthos? Watch it again and think about it. "I got it from.... The Queen of America! Yeah, that's the ticket!"

Gotta have some links:


For my own "Germans in the Civil War Page":

Click here!

Gotta have some links:

Yahoo! What a place to surf!

The Statler Brothers

Toronto Blue Jays

Mighty Taco

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